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中國內地潛伏性毒物致害之法律責任研究 = Research on legal liability for the damage caused by latent toxic in Mainland China

English Abstract

Research on legal liability for the damage caused by latent toxic Yu Jiayao(INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAW)Directed by Prof.Jianhong Fan Abstract As a new type of tort, the toxic tort has not yet been paid attention to in the judicial circles of our country ,and there is no specific law on this type of toxic tort either.So far, the latent toxic torts mainly include environmental pollution torts,product liability torts and occupational disease torts in China,which are usually wide-ranging and complex.So it is difficult to establish the specific damage and causation in practice.This type of torts are mainly prescribed in the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China ,Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and Tort Law of the People's Republic of China. Our theory of latent toxic torts is now still shallow,because the issue on how to identify the concept of latent toxic in law has not been settled.Toxicity,as a highly dangerous substance,is now only concerned in the administrative regulations. What is latent toxic tort is still blank in laws and regulations. The problem of legal liability caused by latent toxic tort is not only the civil tort liability,but also the criminal responsibility. In practice, however, it is not easy to make up the damage for the victim through the civil compensation litigation ,due to the cases are ended up with the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators because of their social impact and widespread. In addition, the identification of the damage caused during the incubation period breakthrough the traditional principle of the tort law, which is controversial. Because the latent toxic tort is different from other general torts, so it has particularity in the principle of the imputation and litigation limitation. This thesis attempts to adopt a new third-tier theory popular in civil law system, which is different from the traditional theory of tort law and criminal law in mainland China, respectively, from the facts, illegality and its resistance, responsible to explore the civil and criminal responsibility caused by the latent toxic tort, and compare the similarities and differences in some ways. Due to our country is lack of research in this field, so in the process of discussion, the author used a large number of cases to analyze,and appropriately reference the advanced legislation from the surrounding countries and regions. Key words:third-tier theory, causal link, illegality, responsibility

Chinese Abstract

潛伏性毒物致害之法律罪責研究 中文摘要 潛伏性毒物致害侵權作為一種新型的侵權模式,在我國司法界尚未引起重视,理論界也沒有關於此類侵權之專門规定。就目前而言,我國潛伏性毒物致害侵主要包括環境污染侵權、產品質量責任侵權以及職業病的侵害,其通常具有規模性與複雜性,在實踐中難以認定其具體损害與因果聯繫。關於此類侵害的規定,主要散佈於《環境保護法》、《產品質量法》以及《侵權責任法》等法律條文中。 我國對於潛伏性毒物致害的理論認識尚淺體現在,對於如何從法律層面上認定潛伏性毒物之概念,目前仍不清晰。毒物作為一種具有高度危險性的有害物質,目前僅在相關行政規範領域有所涉及,對於如何從法律面上界定毒物,以及潜伏性毒物侵權之概念特徵等,尚無明確規定。因潜伏性毒物致害侵而引起的法律罪責問题,不僅包括民事侵權而引起的损害填補责任,也涉及到刑事追責,然而實践中,對於大多數此類侵權案件,由於其社會影響廣發,波及面大,常常以對加害人之刑事追責而终了,對於廣大受害者之民事賠償救濟之訴並非易事。然後,民事的救濟賠償才是解決此類侵權糾紛之關鍵。此外,對於潛伏期内的損害責任認定,突破了傳统民事侵權法上的填補性原則,在司法實踐中具有争議性因而導致部分案件之判罰不同。由於潛伏性侵權不同於一般侵權,其在歸責原則、訴訟時效等方面均有特殊性。 在本文的論述過程中,筆者嘗試採用一種不同於我國傳统侵權法理論及刑法四要件理論的方式,以傳统大陸法系典型的三階層理論為參考,分別從事實要件、違法性及其阻卻事由以及有責性三方面出發,探討潜伏性毒物致害引起的民事侵及刑事責任,并適當比较兩者之異同。由於我國在該領域之研究匱乏,因此在論述過程中,筆者採用大量的案例進行分析,不僅有本國之案例,也有其他國家及地區在涉潛伏性毒物致害問题上的典型案例,并適當借鑒周圍國家及地區在該領域的先进立法,是為參考,以期為將來我國之潛伏性毒物致害侵權訴訟提供理論借鑒。 關鍵字:三階層,因果聯繫,違法性,歸責原則

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Faculty of Law




Torts -- China

侵權行為 -- 中國

Indemnity against liability -- China

賠償的法律責任 -- 中國



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