
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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我國 P2P 網絡借貸投資者權益保護研究 = Research on investor protection of P2P lending in China

English Abstract

In recent years, with the P2P lending in China's popular, more and more investors to join the P2P lending team. While some investors reap benefits, there are still a large number of investors' rights and interests seriously infringed. P2P lending has too many problems, such as leakage of user information, illegal fund-raising, etc, even worse with money abscond, causing investors to have no money back. Therefore, in order to better protect the interests of p2P lending investors, the author started this article writing. The first part of this article mainly analyzes the related concepts and operation modes of P2P lending in China. The process of the overall recognition of P2P lending helpful and detailed to solve the establishment of investor protection mechanism. The second part mainly analyzes the rights and potential risks of P2P lending investors in China. China's P2p lending investors mainly enjoy the property security right, the to know, the right to claim, the right to education and information security rights. Summing up the risks faced by investors in practice will help to prevent investors' rights and interests from being infringed more targeted. The third part summarizes the current status of protecting the rights and interests of P2P net investors in China, and analyzes the existing problems. There are three main shortcomings: P2P lending supervision has some blank, P2P lending platform operation is still not standardized, and the ability of investors is not up to standard. To analyze and sum up the defects in existence is helpful to realize that there are still great deficiencies in the protection of the rights and interests of P2P lending investors in China. It is still necessary for all parties to make continuous efforts to perfect the relevant protection measures. P2P lending in our country is an exotic, the advanced experience of the developed have a positive role to improve the relevant system in China. Therefore, in the fourth part, the author introduces the experience of protecting investors in Britain, the United States and German. The author makes a detailed analysis of the platform model, the industry association system, and the measures taken by the government agencies. Basing on the analysis of the previous four parts, in the last part, the author puts specific measures to improve the rights and interests protection of P2P lending investors in our country, First of all, in order to improve the regulatory gap, we should establish platform access requirements, employees' qualification requirements, computational standards for risk control and platform exiting mechanism. Secondly, order to improve the P2P lending platform, we should implement the information disclosure system and capital custody system, at the same time, we should establish qualified investors' standard and the system of investors' education. Thirdly, we strengthen cooperation with third-party authoritative credit agencies and cooperate with third-party guarantee agencies actively. We also need to clear the nature of the reserve. Finally, we should speed up the implementation of the dispute resolution mechanism. The construction of P2P lending investors' rights protection mechanism is a systematic process. The process may be long and may be difficult, but it is that the improvement of this system has important practical significance. Therefore, through the relevant analysis and recommendations, P2P lending investors' rights will be more fully protected in our country. KEY WORDS: P2P lending, Investor rights and interests, Protection of rights and interests

Chinese Abstract

近年来,随着 P2P 网贷在我国的风靡,越来越多投资者加入P2P网贷这一大军。部分投资者收获利益的同时,还有很大一部分投资者的权益严重被侵害,平台泄露用户信息、非法集资等问题层出不穷,更有甚者携款潜逃,造成投资者的资金有去无回。因此,为了更好地保护P2P网贷投资者的权益,笔者展开此文的写作。 文章第一部分主要是对我国P2P网络借贷相关概念和运作模式作一法律关系解析。先对 P2P网络借贷的概念进行简要介绍,其次分析目前实践中主要存在的运营模式,最后对 P2P 网贷中的各方主体以及主体之间的法律关系进行剖析。对 P2P 网贷各方面整体认知的过程有助于细化解决投资者权益保护机制的建立。第二部分主要是对我国 P2P网络借贷投资人所拥有的权利以及权益面临的风险进行分析。立足于《消费者权益保护法》和《关于加强金融消费者权益保护工作的指导意见》,我国 P2P 网贷投资者主要享有的权利有财产安全权、知情权、依法求偿权、受教育权以及信息安全权。结合我国目前现状可以发现 P2P网贷投资人的相关权益并没有得到完善保护,总结实践中投资人面临的各种风险有助于更有针对性的防范投资人权益被侵害。第三部分先总结了我国目前保护P2P网贷投资人权益的现状,然后对保护现状中存在的问题具体分析,发现主要在三大方面存有缺陷,分别是:P2P网贷监管法律法规存有一定空白、P2P网贷平台运行依旧不规范以及投资人自身能力不达标。对存有缺陷进行详细分析和归纳有助于认识我国在 P2P 网贷投资人权益保护方面仍存有很大不足,完善相关保护措施依然需要各方的不断努力。P2P网贷在我国属于舶来品,发达国家的先进经验对我国完善相关机制有积极借鉴作用,所以在第四部分,笔者选择对在保护投资人机制建立方面有优秀经验的英、美、德三国进行介绍,分别从平台模式、行业协会制度、政府机构措施等方面详细分析,积极学习国外的优秀经验有助于我国投资者权益保护制度的完善。基于前面四部分的分析铺垫,在最后一部分提出完善我国P2P网贷投资人权益保护的具体措施。针对监管规则的空白提出要建立平台准入门槛制度、对从业人员资质进行要求、建立明确风控计算标准、完善平台退出机制:针对平台自身完善要落实信息披露制度、资金存管制度、建立合格投资者标准并对投资者进行适度教育;针对征信机制和担保制度的完善要加强和第三方权威征信机构合作、明确风险准备金性质、积极和第三方担保机构合作;最后,提出加快落实行业纠纷解决机制的重要性。P2P网贷投资者权益保护机制的构建是一个系统性的过程,也许漫长、也许艰难,但不可否认这一制度的完善有很重要的现实意义,所以希望笔者的相关分析和建议可以为更好地保护投资人权益略尽绵力。 关键词:P2P 网络借贷,投资者权益,权益保护

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Faculty of Law




Loans -- Law and legislation -- China

借貸 -- 法規 -- 中國

Peer-to-peer loans -- China

網絡借貸 -- 中國



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