
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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網絡遊戲直播 "欺騙" 行為性質認定及主播與直播網站的責任研究 = The research on the nature of "cheating" behavior in online games live and liability of game live website and game anchor

English Abstract

ABSTRACT Before 2010, Live industry was not a popular industry. But in recent years, it rises rapidly and has become a emerging industry because of crazy capital supporting. With Live industry rising, Live website and anchor naturally become a symbol of fashion, especially the game Live website and game anchor. In 2014, because of some Astronomical contracts exposure and job hopping incidents, the society was widespread concern about the game Live website and game anchor. However, the rapid development of an industry must be accompanied by a lot of problems. capital operation opaque, inadequate supervision, involved pornography and narcotics, the system is imperfect and so on. All of these needs law to be ruled. The full text is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction, introduces the research purpose and significant of the paper. From the perspective of civil law, the past experts and scholars are more focused on the field of intellectual property, and the works and research on copyright disputes of game Live show are innumerable. But the case and research on civil fraud is very few. The author is going to provide legal help for victims of fraud act from the perspective of civil law. The second part isto define the concept of game Live website and game anchor and introduce its development in China. The third part is introduction of a important case, to analyze game anchor if using fraud behavior in game Live show from the perspective of Contract Law and Tort Liability Law. The forth part is to analyze behavior of game Live website from both above perspective. The last part is to study liability of game Live website and game anchor and provide some advice for victims of fraud behavior from the perspective of Contract Law and Tort Liability Law. Game Live industry rapidly rose with the development of electronic sports, and now watching others people playing video game has become a new way of leisure and entertainment. The earliest game Live website in China was found in 2012. From2013 to 2015, due to some online games in the global upsurge, making our needs for the game information to reach an unprecedented height. Some famous game anchor of big game Live website can even receive hundreds of thousands of people watching at the same time in the peak hours. Their tiny acts can create huge social impact, just likesome public figures. Therefore, it is of great significance to study and formulate relevant laws and regulations in game live to restrict the security and stability of the Internet and the Internet industry, and even to the development and perfection of the whole Chinese legal system. Keywords: Game Live website; Game anchor; Fraud; tort; liability

Chinese Abstract

中文摘要 直播行业,这个在 2010 年之前还很小众化的行业,却在近几年里迅速崛起,随着资本的疯狂追逐,已然有成为一大新兴产业的趋势。随着直播行业的异军突起,直播网站与主播也顺理成章地成为了时髦的代名词,其中以直播游戏为主的网站和主播更是成为了行业中的佼佼者。2014 年,伴随一系列游戏直播网站互“挖墙脚”事件与某些游戏主播天价合同的曝光,游戏直播网站与主播引起了业界和社会的广泛关注。然而,一个行业的快速发展必然伴随着诸多的问题,资金运转不透明,监管不足,体制不完善,涉黄涉毒等等。这些都是急需法律进入去规制的地方。 本文共分成五个部分,第一部分为引言,介绍本文的研究目的与意义。游戏直播行业暴露的众多问题,从民事法律的层面来看,过去专家与学者更多的是把焦点集中在知识产权领域,有关于游戏直播产生版权纠纷的研究与著作如汗牛充栋,但对于网络直播中涉嫌诈骗的行为多从刑事法的角度剖析,很少从民事欺诈的层面去研究这一行为,相关的案例也是寥寥无几。本文笔者正是想从民事法律的角度出发,为有关行为的受害人提供民事法律上可行的帮助。第二部分主要是对游戏直播类网站与主播的概念作用等进行界定,并介绍其在中国的发展。第三部分是通过一个重大的案例(某鱼阿怡代打事件)分析是否能从法律行为领域和侵权责任领域分别认定游戏主播的欺诈行为。第四部分是从上述两个领域分析游戏直播网站的行为。第五部分研究游戏主播与网站的责任并为欺诈行为的受害者在合同法或侵权责任法等实体法上提供可能的救济途径。 游戏直播行业是随着电子竞技产业的发展而产生的,如今看别人玩游戏已经日益成为一种新的休闲娱乐方式。我国最早的游戏直播类网站成立于 2012 年,13 年至 15 年由于部分网络游戏在全球范围内掀起的热潮,使得我国受众对于游戏信息的需求达到了一个前所未有的高度。一些大网站的明星主播在高峰时段甚至可收到几十万人的同时观看,他们举手投足间的行为足可以产生巨大的社会影响,与传统意义上的公众人物已并无二致。故研究和制定网络游戏直播中相关的法律法规来约束网站与主播的行为对整个互联网产业的安全与稳定,甚至对于整个中国法制的发展与完善都具有重大的意义。 【关键字】 游戏直播网站 游戏主播 欺诈 侵权 责任

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Faculty of Law




Internet games


Internet -- Law and legislation

互聯網 -- 法規

Copyright infringement




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