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競價排名的法律問題研究 = Research on the legal issues of pay per click

English Abstract

Research on the Legal Issues of Pay Per Click Abstract Pay per click is a commercial promotion model launched by search engines. Merchants change the search results by buying keywords form search engines. They attract the attention of net users to promote their products in this way. Pay per click is paid by click and search engines which provide pay per click service are used by many users, so it becomes a common network marketing model. Pay per click can bring profit to search engine, but also to help some merchants to promote its development, but also brought a series of problems. The article focuses on the protection of trademark rights in the pay per click. I start the article from the perspective of tort law first. Selecting others trademark as a keyword constitute infringement is the premise of this kind of behavior constitute a trademark use. Therefore, we start from choosing others trademark as a keyword to demonstrate this kind of use constitute a trademark direct infringement. According to the advertisers on the keywords set up in different ways, we separate the infringement acts in pay per click into three kinds: set someone else’s trademark as a keyword and display the trademark on both search results and its own homepage; set someone else’s trademark as a keyword and display the trademark on search result and not on its own homepage; set someone else’s trademark as a keyword, but the search result page and its own homepage did not show the trademark. Through analyzing the three conditions, to determine whether the advertiser and the search engine need to assume the tort responsibility, the reasons for the responsibility and what kind of responsibility should assume. Through the analysis we know that some of the problems in the pay per click can not be resolved through the Trademark Law and Tort Liability Law. Under article 2, paragraph 2, of the Countering Unfair Competition Law: “Unfair competition in this Law refers to acts of operators which contravene the provisions of this Law, with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests of other operators, and disturbing the socio-economic order.” We know that the selection of someone else’s trademark as a keyword’s behavior conforms to the definition of unfair competition. The behavior is essentially a “free ride” behavior, we can use the Countering Unfair Competition Law to supplement regulation. Keywords: pay per click, direct infringement, indirect infringement, unfair competition

Chinese Abstract

竞价排名的法律问题研究 摘 要 竞价排名业务是搜索引擎商推出的一项商业推广模式,商家通过向搜索引擎商购买关键词改变网页搜索结果排序从而达到吸引用户关注度宣传自己的目的。 竞价排名因为按点击量付费(即网络用户点击进入广告主的主页才扣除费用,不 被点击就不扣除费用),并且竞价排名服务提供平台搜索引擎的使用用户众多, 可以达到较好的宣传效果,所以成为一种常见的网络营销模式。 竞价排名虽然能够给搜索引擎商带来盈利,也能够帮助一些商家进行推广促进其发展,但是也带来了一系列问题。本文着重探讨的是竞价排名中的商标权保 护问题。 本文首先对竞价排名中的侵权法律问题进行了研究。选定他人商标作为关键词构成侵权的前提是这种行为构成商标使用,因此以选定他人商标作为关键词构 成商标使用入手,论证这种商标使用行为构成商标直接侵权行为。根据广告主对关键词的设置方式不同,将竞价排名的侵权行为分为了三种:即设置他人商标作为关键词,并在搜索结果页面和自己主页均显示该商标;设置他人商标作为关键词,只在搜索结果页面显示该商标,自己主页并没有显示该商标;设置他人商标作为关键词,但在搜索结果页面与自己主页均未显示该商标。通过对三种情况分别分析,来判断广告主与搜索引擎商是否在其中要承担侵权责任、承担责任的原因以及要承担什么样的侵权责任。但是通过分析知道竞价排名中有些问题是不能通过《商标法》和《侵权责任法》进行解决的。我们知道广告主选定他人商标作为关键词的行为, 广告主在主观上有搭他人便车的恶意,客观上这种选定行为是一种利用他人商誉的行为,选定的客体是其他商家享有商标权的商标,可以认定属于不正当竞争行为,应当受到《反不正当竞争法》的规制。这样就出现了侵权责任和不正当竞争责任的竞合。《商标法》和《反不正当竞争法》是并列的关系,对商标权人的利益提供了平行的保护,二者侧重点不同。商标权人可以自行选择适用哪部法律对广告主提起诉讼。因为《商标法》对于赔偿数额的规定更为详尽,并且其不仅规定了一般的赔偿数额确定方式,还规定了恶意情况下的惩罚性赔偿制度,因此在实践中商标权人更加倾向于提起侵权之诉。 关键词:竞价排名,直接侵权,间接侵权,不正当竞争

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Faculty of Law




Competition, Unfair


Intellectual property infringement




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