
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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見危不救入刑可行性研究 = The feasibility study of the penalty of non-salvation-in-danger

English Abstract

The Feasibility Study of the Penalty of Non-Salvation-in-Danger Abstract Many legal cases concerning the Non-Salvation-in-Danger reflect that moral system in our society is being destroyed. Should the law be established to cope with the Non-Salvation-in-Danger? Should it take some method to put an end to the behavior of Non-Salvation-in-Danger? Combining With different views from scholars and practices of criminal legislation home and abroad, we make a discuss on the focus of controversy concerning punishments of Non-Salvation-in-Danger and study the problems of the practice of criminal legislation on Non-Salvation-in-Danger in this study to further discuss if the Non-Salvation-in-Danger should be punished with criminal laws. This paper is divided into the following four parts: The Part one classify behaviors of Non-Salvation-in-Danger according to concepts of similar Non-Salvation-in-Danger and study concrete content of the danger in Non-Salvation-in-Danger. What’s more, this part define Non-Salvation-in-Danger as follows: A behavior of the salvor who has no specific obligation but refuse to provide assistance when he has the ability to help people in danger causing the salve’s serious injury or death. The Part two sum up advantages and disadvantages of punishments of Non-Salvation-in-Danger according to different views from scholars. Meanwhile this part study some focus problem. First, the limits of morality and law in the behavior of Non-Salvation-in-Danger. Second, if the behavior of Non-Salvation-in-Danger have serious social harmfulness. Third, the relationship between the behavior of Non-Salvation-in-Danger and it’s harmful consequences. Fourth, if the behavior of Non-Salvation-in-Danger is abhorrent from the principle of criminal law allowance. The Part three find that the criminal legislation of Non-Salvation-in-Danger is mentioned in the chapter on the crime of personal injury in most countries’ code but mentioned in the chapter on crimes of endangering public security in individual countries’ code, with investigating the relevant legislation of Non-Salvation-in-Danger home including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions and abroad. What’s more, this part provide references for the relevant legislation for our country according to a further discussion about several common features of punishments of Non-Salvation-in-Danger. The Part four limit the scope of the applicable subject of Non-Salvation-in-Danger through the discussion about the practical problem of establishing the crime of Non-Salvation-in-Danger. Letting rescuers no worries when providing assistance making the crime of Non-Salvation-in-Danger can be accepted by the public with resolving the problem between investigation and evidence collection and protection of the rights and interests of the salvor. Key words: non-salvation-in-danger, law and morality, ultima ratio of penalty, criminal legislation.

Chinese Abstract

见危不救入刑可行性研究 摘要 近几年媒体报道的全国各地见危不救事件越来越多,一起起见危不救事件的发生,反映出我们社会道德体系日渐崩塌的现状,也不断拷问着社会,我们到底 该用什么方法去改善民众肆意漠视他人生命的行为,是否应该通过设立见危不救 罪去惩治频频出现的见危不救现象。学界对见危不救是否入刑的讨论虽然激烈, 但至今都未形成统一意见。文章综合了对见危不救入刑持赞成意见和反对意见的两派学者观点,探讨见危不救入刑问题的争议焦点,结合我国及国外相关刑事立 法实践,针对见危不救行为入刑可能面临的实践困境进行考察,以进一步探讨见 危不救行为是否应该用刑法予以规制。文章共分为以下四个部分: 第一部分首先对与见危不救相近的几个概念进行辨析,将见危不救行为进行 分类,探讨见危不救中“危”的具体内容,再结合不同学者对见危不救的定义, 从而对文章要探讨的见危不救行为概念定义为:是指无特定义务的救助人,在他 人人身安全遭遇紧迫危险时,有能力提供救助,且实施救助行为对本人或第三人 的权益无明显损害,拒绝提供救助的行为。 第二部分结合对见危不救入刑持反对意见和赞成意见的两派学者观点,对见 危不救行为入刑利弊有个较全面的概括和总结,同时从双方观点中有争议的几个 焦点问题,探讨见危不救行为中道德与法律的界限,见危不救行为是否具有严重 的社会危害性,见危不救行为与危害结果之间的因果关系,以及将见危不救行为 入刑是否违反刑法谦抑性原则这几个争议焦点。 第三部分对我国包括港澳台地区,以及国外其他国家对见危不救行为的相关立法进行考察,从各国刑法典中对见危不救罪的具体规定,发现关于见危不救行 为的刑事立法多规定在侵犯人身罪这一章,只有个别国家将其规定在了危害公共安全罪一章中。通过进一步探讨各国见危不救行为入罪的几个共同特征,为我国 相关立法提供借鉴。 第四部分通过对我国如果设立见危不救罪将会面临的实践困境进行探讨,对见危不救入刑适用的主体范围进行限定,以及通过尝试解决见危不救入刑在调查 取证和救助人权益保护方面存在的问题,让救助人在提供救助时没有后顾之忧, 使见危不救行为入刑能够被公众接受和认可。 关键词:见危不救,法律与道德,刑法谦抑性,刑事立法

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Wu, Jia Xi


Faculty of Law




Criminal law


Criminal law -- China

刑法 -- 中國



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