
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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論消費民事公益訴訟制度 : 以與葡萄牙民眾訴訟之比較為中心 = The system construction of civil public interest litigation in the protection of consumers' rights : compared with Portuguese popular action

English Abstract

With the steady advancement of industrialization, the deepening of economic globalization, the rapid development of science and technology, people enjoyed unprecedented material life. However, mankind were also confronted with the pollution of the environment, cultural and historic tort damage, and other serious negative damage, this situation created a modern group dispute. Different from the traditional civil disputes, modern dispute has its own characteristic, such as interests dispersed, numerous suffer, complex interest relationship and many other features.Based on these chareacteristics, a new model of dispute resolution——public interest litigation system gradually appeared. In our country, the practice was prior to the legislation. In 2012,the new civil procedure law in our country was cleared about the public welfare lawsuit system, and since 2013, the new "consumer protection law" has been cleared about the consumer public welfare lawsuit prosecution that the provincial consumer association can bring a suit to against business operators. Since then,China’s public interest litigation system has become a law that can be run. But in practice ,due to the lack of legal system, the various shortcomings are increasingly revealed. Therefore, to improve and build an effective system of public interest litigation is of a great significance. As of the exploration of public interest litigation system, many scholars in our country advocate the learning from foreign legal system. This paper argues that the Portuguese litigation system in the western part of the mainland is worthy of learning. Portugal’s Participation and Popular Action Law and Consumer Protection Law have their own characteristics in maintenance of social and public interest. Portugal’s popular action, combined with the customs of the country, have the rule of the applicable field, the plaintiff’s qualification, the participation of the procuratorate, the opt-out system, the type of litigation and the effectiveness of the judgment and so on. Therefore, this paper will proceed with the current public interest litigation system in China through the case to introduce the public interest litigation and consumer public interest litigation, and strive to introduce the Portuguese popular action law. Through contrasting Chinese and Portuguese lawsuit system, this paper aims at charting a new course for scholars to broaden their vision, drawing strength from the Portuguese popular action law so as to shed light on our practice of law in China. Keyword: public interest litigation, consumer’s rights,popular action law

Chinese Abstract

從上世紀開始,隨著工業化大生產的全面提升,經濟全球化的日漸深入,科學技術的迅猛發展,人們在獲得前所未有的豐富的物質生活的同時,也為此付出了環境污染、文化史蹟破壞、大規模侵權損害(包括群體性消費者損害)等較為嚴重的代價,並由此產生了現代型群體糾紛。與傳統民事糾紛不同,現代型糾紛具有利益分散、受害主體人數眾多、利益關係較為複雜等諸多特點。基於此,一種新的糾紛解決模式——公益訴訟制度,伴隨著現代型群體糾紛的日益增多而逐漸發展起來。 在我國,公益訴訟的實踐先於立法。2012年我國修訂的新《民事訴訟法》中才正式以法條形式明確了公益訴訟制度,此後 2013 年新的《消費者保護法》明確了消費者公益訴訟的起訴主體為省級以上消費者協會,自此我國公益訴訟制度才算從只有原則性條款的空中樓閣變為實實在在落了地的法律。但在實踐中因為法律制度的相對欠缺,程序規定不健全導致的弊端在一個個案例中日益顯露。故完善和構建一個行之有效的公益訴訟制度勢在必行。 對於公益訴訟制度的探索,我國眾多學者都主張學習借鑑域外先進立法技術和相關法律制度。本文筆者認為在代表人訴訟被擱置、美國式集團訴訟等公益訴訟模式短期無法引入的情況下,大陸最西邊的葡萄牙的民眾訴訟制度可以值得我國學習借鑑,其以獨立的一部《民眾訴訟法》的形式和若干其他法律如《消費者保護法》等,建構了保障公益訴訟抑或民眾訴訟順利進行的模式,在維護社會公共利益和消費者權益上有著自身特色。 葡萄牙民眾訴訟制度,結合了本國的風俗人情,就適用的領域、保護的權益類型、原告資格、檢察院之參與、退出制、訴的種類、訴訟費用、判決的效力等形成了自身的特點和優勢。故,本文將以我國當前公益訴訟制度為背景進行著手,通過對公益訴訟和消費者公益訴訟的相關介紹,來對這二者的概念進行界定,通過案例分析得出當前我國公益訴訟制度在消費者權益保護方面的現實障礙,並盡所能地介紹葡萄牙民眾訴訟制度,將其中相關規定與我國目前的公益訴訟模式做對比分析,從而引出對我國消費者公益訴訟如何構建之思考,以期能夠為諸多學者打開看世界的窗戶,通過此種方式吸收借鑑葡萄牙民眾訴訟制度中先進的經驗為我所用,為民所用,從而為我國公益訴訟制度的研究提供立法上和實踐上的借鑑。 關鍵字:公益訴訟,消費者權益,民眾訴訟

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Faculty of Law




Citizen suits (Civil procedure) -- China

公益訴訟 (民事訴訟法) -- 中國

Public interest law -- China

公共利益法 -- 中國

Administrative procedure -- Portugal

行政訴訟法 -- 葡萄牙


Wang, Wei

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