
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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清洗黑錢罪若干問題研究 = Study on various issues of money laundering offence

English Abstract

Today, “Money Laundering" this term is well known. During the past decades, the international community has paid high attention on the activities of Money laundering which is caused serious consequence and damage, since “911 terrorist attacks" occurred in the United States. And the international organizations urge all countries and regions to strengthen their own legislation and law enforcement, make every effort to punish the criminals of money laundering. Further, the international organizations continue to conducts mutual evaluation of members to promote greater effectiveness in combating money laundering. The Macao SAR Government has put a lot of efforts against money laundering, specially enacted the anti-money laundering crimes regulations in 2006. But, there are various difficulties we met in implementation under the existing system of law, led to lower successful prosecution rate. In response to the change of international situation, and further comply with the requirement of international conventions, the Macao SAR Government decided to amend the relevant regulations, including expansion of the scope of predicate offences, emphasizing the money laundering and predicate illegal act are autonomous offence, etc. However, the author doubted whether the contents of amendment would produce unreasonable and unfair circumstances, thus start to study and analyze. The author collect and read some domestic and overseas academic books and monographs, following the theoretical basis, begin to understand comprehensively the original concept of money laundering, the process of money laundering, the definitions from international organizations and different nations and regions, define and identify the range of predicate offence. Besides, the author attempt to interpret the relationship between the predicate offence and money laundering, and affirm the money laundering is a derivative crime. That means there is no money laundering without predicate offence, therefore we cannot force to separate them. Due to the special relationship between them, there were problems arise in practice, for instance. over the prescription to prosecute predicate offence, the criminal commit predicate offence outside the territory, the same defendant to commit both of predicate offence and money laundering, and so forth. The author agrees to supply the relevant contents of the norms through legislation, clarify the rules of money laundering, and reduce the dispute in judicial proceedings. The purpose of this thesis is trying to distinguish between predicate offence and money laundering. Finally, the author express some points of view and suggestions under the limitation of legal knowledge in relevant aspect. Believe that should find out more adequate solutions as possible in the current criminal proceedings and on the basis of law enforcement. Assist to handle those cross-border money laundering cases through international and interregional cooperation mechanisms, thereby expediting the investigation and improving the prosecution rate. It is expected that the Macao SAR has perfect legal system to combat money laundering through the amendment, that it will be effective in practice and more in line with the requirements of the international community. Key words: Money laundering, Predicate offence, Define.

Chinese Abstract

時至今天“清洗黑錢”此名詞已廣為人知,近十多年來,尤其是發生了美國“911恐怖襲擊事件”之後,國際社會高度重視清洗黑錢活動帶來的嚴重危害性,國際組織促請各國各地加強本身的立法和執法力度以懲治犯罪分子,遏止清洗黑錢行為。國際組織更持續對各成員提出相互監察及評估的要求,以促進在有關打擊清洗黑錢方面取得更大的成效。 澳門特區政府在打擊清洗黑錢犯罪方面作出不懈努力,於2006年專門立法遏止清洗黑錢行為。經歷多年實踐經驗,在現行制度下執法的確出現各種困難,導致成功檢控比率偏低。因應國際形勢變遷,為進一步符合國際公約的要求,特區政府決定修改相關法律,當中包括擴大上游犯罪名單範圍,強調清洗黑錢不法行為與上游犯罪各自獨立等。然而有關修改内容會否產生不合理、不公義的情况,带著該等問题,筆者進行學習及分析。 筆者收集和閱讀部分國内外學者及研究人员的專著及作品,以理論基礎為岀發點去綜合理解清洗黑錢概念的來源,清洗黑錢活動的過程,國際組織以及各國各地區在法律制度上對清洗黑錢犯罪行為的定性,以及上游犯罪的定性與界定。随後,筆者當試詮釋上游犯罪與清洗黑錢罪之間的關係,認定清洗黒錢罪是一種衍生性的犯罪,沒有上游犯罪不會有清洗黑錢罪的產生,故此不能将兩者強行割裂。由於兩者的特殊關係在實踐當中出現如上游犯罪追訴時效已過、上游犯罪於境外實施、兩罪相同行為主體等各種問题。筆者認同透過立法修改及補充有關條文的内容,將清洗黑錢罪的規範內容清晰化,减少在司法審判上的爭議。筆者帶出清洗黑錢獨立成罪此命题的目的是要將上游犯罪和清洗黑錢行為區分清楚。 最後,透過本文筆者以有限的法律知識,就是次立法修正案提出一些個人的淺見及建議,認為應盡可能在現行刑事訴訟程序基礎上以及執法過程中尋求更多的解決方法,利用國際和區域問的合作機制協助處理跨境的清洗黑錢犯罪個案,從而加快搜證及提高檢控率等。期望澳門特區在修改遏止清洗黑錢犯罪法律制度方面更加完善,而且在實踐當中顯現成效,更加符合國際社會的要求。 關鍵字:清洗黑錢,上游犯罪,定性。

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Faculty of Law




Money laundering -- Law and legislation

洗黑錢 -- 法規

Money laundering -- Law and legislation -- Macau

洗黑錢 -- 法規 -- 澳門



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