
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Chinese patent medicine (CPM) is a kind of medicine made of Chinese herbal medicine as raw material, guided by the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and processed according to prescribed prescription. After a long period of development, the production of CPM has been developing rapidly, but the innovation of CPM has been developing slowly. According to the theory of industrial innovation, the main body of an industry is enterprises, and the development strategy of enterprises is crucial to industrial innovation. Therefore, the development of CPM enterprises is crucial to the innovation of CPM, but there are still few researches on the development strategy of CPM enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to explore the development strategy of CPM enterprises, and then to analyze the driving factors, to explore the impact on the industry, and to make reasonable policy recommendations. CPM enterprises have regional markets and the key diseases areas is relatively clear. There are some "star drugs", but the innovation is still not enough. In addition, most enterprises focus on R & D, but with less innovation. Moreover, there are many marketing models, such as innovative marketing. The modernization of TCM has not yet fully completed, we should formulate relevant policies to protect the rapid development of CPM industry: vigorously developing the use of TCM orthodoxy advantages, and developing the star brand medicine. Establish a market oriented decision-making mechanism for new drug research and development, formulate new drug research and development strategies around the market, and attach importance to the application value of R & D projects. Increasing e-commerce and other innovative marketing model improve pipeline efficiency and reduce costs.

Chinese Abstract

中成藥是以中藥材為原料,以中醫藥學基礎理論為指導,按規定的處方加 工製成的藥品。經過長時間的發展,目前中成藥產量發展迅速,但是中藥創新 卻發展緩慢。根據產業創新理論,產業的主體是企業,企業的發展戰略對產業 創新至關重要。所以中成藥企業的發展對中成藥產業創新至關重要,但是目前 關於中成藥企業發展策略的研究還比較少。本論文的研究目的是探索中成藥企 業發展策略,進而分析其驅動因素,探討對產業的影響,以及提出合理的政策 建議。 通過研究背景總結中藥現代化的成績與挑戰,分析中藥企業在其中的地位。 然後通過中藥企業檔案分析以及中藥企業微博內容總結中藥企業發展策略。最 後通過討論總結企業發展策略的驅動因素以及企業發展策略對產業的影響,期 望給出合理的政策建議,以及對其他國家傳統藥物產業的啟示 中成藥企業區域市場、重點疾病領域市場相對明確;有傳統明星藥,但創 新仍不夠,也有傳統老字號等知名品牌;多數企業注重研發,但創新性較少; 營銷模式較多,以自營營銷為主,也有創新性營銷。 中成藥企業發展策略的驅動因素主要有 3 點:需求、技術和政策。需求是 中藥產業發展的主要推動力;現代人群提升生命質量的需要,“安全、有效、 穩定、可控”是現代人群對藥品質量更具體的基本要求;傳統醫藥的國際市場 需求正在不斷增長。技術是中藥產業發展的支援;現代中藥已成為多學科的先 進技術、科技手段相融合的高科技成果。政策是中藥產業發展的保障;新版 GMP 標准、《中醫藥發展戰略規劃綱要(2016-2030 年)》、《十三五規劃綱要》 和《中醫藥法(草案)》等一系列政策被發布。 我國中藥現代化目前還未全面完成,應制定相關政策保障中藥產業快速發 展︰大力開發利用傳統中藥優勢,發展明星藥,打造品牌藥;建立面向市場的 新藥研發決策機制,圍繞市場制定新藥研發策略,重視研發項目的應用價值; 加大電子商務等創新性營銷模式,提升管道效率,降低成本。對其他國家傳統 藥物產業的啟示:強化優勢產品、加強產學研合作、關注重點疾病領域、規範 營銷模式。

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Drugs, Nonprescription -- China

非處方藥物 -- 中國

Pharmaceutical industry -- China -- Management

藥業 -- 中國 -- 管理



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