
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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王逸 "楚辭章句" 對 "離騷" 的義理解讀 : 以 "詩" 言志的經世精神 = The philosophical connotations interpretation on Li Sao in Wang Yi's Chu Ci Zhang Ju : focusing on the practical spirit of "Poems Expressing Ambitions"

English Abstract

Wang Yi’s study of Chu Ci in Eastern Han Dynasty was very successful, no matter on academic or on the construction of national culture. However, in the whole ancient period, there is nearly no work specializes in Wang Yi’s Chu Ci Zhang Ju. There are only some scattered evaluative writings that can be found in various annotations of Chu Ci. Until Modern Times, studies specialize in Wang Yi’s Chu Ci Zhang Ju start to be regarded. There are lots of achievements in edition and collation, the mode of explanation, literary thoughts and so on, but little in the view of “Poems Expressing Ambitions” (Shi Yan Zhi). This thesis is focus on Wang Yi’s thoughts of using Shi to explain Chu Ci. And from the perspective of philosophical connotations, this thesis interprets Chu Ci Zhang Ju in Study of Confucian Classics (Jing Xue), Literature and critical interpretation of ancient texts (Xun Gu Xue). Further more, it also tries to find out the method and logic of Wang Yi when he annotated Chu Ci. The first part of the thesis deals with a brief survey and discussion of relative studies, which purposes on knowing other scholars’ studies well. The first chapter mainly discusses the Confucian Classics Interpretation on Li Sao in Wang Yi’s Chu Ci Zhang Ju. In Chu Ci Zhang Ju, Wang Yi explained Li Sao by saying “Relying on the Five Classics” (Yi Tuo Wu Jing). How Wang Yi annotated Li Sao by using the Five Classics and how he changed Li Sao to Classics are discussed in this chapter. The second chapter mainly discusses the characteristics of quoting Shi in Wang Yi’s Chu Ci Zhang Ju. Wang Yi annotated Li Sao in rhyme, which indicates his thinking of analyzing poems in the forms of poetry. This chapter discusses how he used the thoughts of Shi to explain Li Sao, such as relying on Shi to take meanings (Yi Shi Qu Yi) and relying on Shi to take the method of “affective 6 image” (Yi Shi Qu Xing). The third chapter mainly discusses the emphasis of loyalty (Zhong) in Wang Yi’s Chu Ci Zhang Ju. The loyalty (Zhong) is the core of Wang Yi’s annotation to Li Sao, but there is no character “loyalty” (Zhong) in Qu Yuan’s Li Sao. So, with analyzing the time background of Wang Yi, the thesis compares the loyalty thoughts in Qu Yuan’s Chu Ci with Wang Yi’s Chu Ci Zhang Ju, and discusses the Benevolent Emotion (Shu Shi Qing Zhi) of Wang Yi’s Chu Ci Zhang Ju.

Chinese Abstract

東漢王逸的楚辭研究,無論在學術還是在民族文化的建構上,都是成功的。 然而在整個古代並沒有專門針對王逸《楚辭章句》的研究著作,僅有一些評價性 文字散落於各類《楚辭》注本中,專門針對《楚辭章句》的系統性研究始於近代, 在版本校勘、訓釋體例研究、文學思想研究等各個方面都成果頗豐,但是對於王 逸“以詩言志”角度去解讀《離騷》的研究則比較匱乏。雖然一些論文和專著中 都有所涉及,卻並無系統研究,本文注重對王逸以《詩》注《楚辭》具體內容的 考察,旨在從義理的角度,對王逸《離騷章句》於經學、文學、訓詁學三個層面 進行綜合研究,並試圖進一步探求王逸注《楚辭》方法和邏輯。 本文首先對研究狀況進行了大致回顧,力圖在對前人研究的充分把握之下展 開自己的分析,文章第一章考察王逸《楚辭章句》對《離騷》的經學化解讀。在 王逸對《離騷》“依托五經”評值上,闡明王逸如何結合“五經”注《離騷》, 並對《離騷》進行經學化改造以及對屈騷精神予以合乎經義的經學闡釋。王逸以 儒家道德統照《離騷》內涵,以忠信仁義約束屈騷精神,他亦積極發掘陰陽五行 中積極的因素。文章第二章考察王逸《離騷章句》中引《詩》的特點。由王逸以 “韻文”注《楚辭章句》的特點探討王逸“以詩論詩”的思路,再從他“依詩取 義”的原則,比對《離騷章句》與《詩經》的關係,及王逸“依詩取興”特點, 分析他“以詩為志”的追求。文章第三章考察王逸《離騷章句》中對屈原“忠” 的強調。因《離騷》並無“忠”字,而王逸注《離騷章句》,“忠”為關鍵血脈, 故本章會比對屈辭言“忠”與王逸《離騷章句》言“忠”的情況,結合王逸所處 的時代的背景,參考史料,由此得出王逸注《楚辭章句》隱含的淑世情志。

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Wang, I, -- active 89-158. -- Chu tzu chang chu

王逸, -- active 89-158. -- 楚辭章句

Chu tzu (Ancient Chinese poems)

楚辭 (古代中國詩詞)

Chinese poetry -- To 221 B.C. -- History and criticism

中國詩詞 -- 至戰國時代 ( -公元前 221) -- 歷史及評論

Chinese poetry -- Qin and Han dynasties, 221 B.C.-220 A.D. -- History and criticism

中國詩詞 -- 秦代-漢代, 公元前 221-公元 220 -- 歷史及評論



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