UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
安樂死非犯罪化路徑選擇 = Choices of non-criminal path to euthanasia
- English Abstract
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Euthanasia, in general conception, is the practice operated by professional specialists based on dying patients’ voluntary and real requests. It is for the relieving of the tremendous and unendurable physical pain and suffering. In this thesis, I will discuss the choices of non-criminal path to Euthanasia from three specific sections. Section One is an introduction, which briefly demonstrates the background of Euthanasia from four aspects, including its definition, current situation, controversies and development. Section Three concludes the practicability of Euthanasia’s convicting by following its social harmfulness and the theory of victim promise judicially based on the proviso in the thirteen Article of Criminal Law under the perspective of China’s legal system, as well as not violating the principle of legality. Section Two are the main body part of the thesis, including Chapter Two: General Introduction to Euthanasia; Chapter Three: Controversies and Practice of Euthanasia; Chapter Four: Non-Criminal Necessity of Euthanasia and Choices of the Path. At the beginning of this section, I summarize five requisite elements of Euthanasia based on some representative definitions given by Chinese scholars and also clarify the current Euthanasia classification. Some behaviors will be eliminated from the discussion of Euthanasia and I will illustrate my point of view about the nature of Euthanasia classification separately, dividing it into Direct Euthanasia and Indirect Euthanasia. Secondly, I will discuss the pros and cons of Euthanasia theoretically. Although China has not equipped with legislative conditions of Euthanasia yet, we should still value the significance of the supporting views and Euthanasia research. For the aspect of Euthanasia practice, Netherland is a legislative representative country and Japan is a judicial representative one, both of them are selected to analyze. At last, I will point out the necessity of non-criminal Euthanasia based on several cases which are called Euthanasia cases in Chinese judicial practice openly. Subsequently, combined with Chinese legal system, I try to make some sense that the Euthanasia cases are non-criminal from two angles, the interpretation of the proviso in the Article thirteen of Criminal Law and Victim Promise, which is one of legitimate behaviors. Non-criminal 3 Euthanasia helps people to be aware of the unlawfulness of practicing Euthanasia in private. It lays a solid foundation for the future of Euthanasia legitimacy through typical cases in China.
- Chinese Abstract
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一般认为,安乐死是在临终患者自愿、真实的请求下,以解除其难以忍受的极大身体 痛苦为目的,由专业医护人员实施的能够使患者无痛苦死亡的行为。 本文分三个部分对安乐死非犯罪化的路径选择进行论述,其中第一部分为序言,对安 乐死的研究背景进行了大致的阐述,从含义、现状、争议、发展这四个角度对安乐死在现 阶段的发展现状进行了简要的背景介绍。第三个部分是文章的结论,总结了在我国法律制 度的背景下,从刑法第 13 条“但书”对犯罪的社会危害性的规定或者从被害人承诺理论为 安乐死在司法上进行出罪都具有可行性,也不违背罪刑法定原则。 第二个部分为文章正文,包括第二章:安乐死的概述、第三章:安乐死的争议与实践、 第四章:安乐死非犯罪化的必要性及路径选择。首先从我国学者对安乐死比较有代表性的 定义出发,总结出安乐死必须具备的五个要件,并从安乐死的必备要件出发,对理论上现 有的安乐死分类进行梳理,将分类中不符合安乐死必备要件的行为从安乐死的讨论中剔除, 并建议以其他能够反映此类行为性质的名称分别研究。由此将安乐死分类简化为直接安乐 死与间接安乐死。其次,总结理论中支持与反对安乐死的观点并进行评析,认为虽然我国 针对安乐死立法的条件尚不具备,但赞成的观点同样值得重视,安乐死研究仍然有重要的 意义。选取在安乐死实践中,立法实践有代表性的荷兰,以及司法实践有代表性的日本分 别进行研究,以期借鉴经验吸取教训。最后,从我国司法实践中出现的几个被称为安乐死 案件而进入公众视野的案例进行分析,指出安乐死非犯罪化的必要性,结合我国法律制度 的特点,拟从对刑法第 13 条“但书”的解读和刑法中的正当化行为之一得到承诺的行为这 两个角度,为确实符合安乐死条件的案件进行司法上的非犯罪化,以实现个案正义并对民 众起到教育和引导作用,使民众认识到私自实施安乐死的非法性,也通过典型安乐死案例 的指导作用为日后我国安乐死立法奠定基础。 关键字:安乐死,非犯罪化,刑法第 13 条“但书”,被害人承诺
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Euthanasia -- Law and legislation
安樂死 -- 法規
Euthanasia -- Law and legislation -- China
安樂死 -- 法規 -- 中國
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001986999706306