
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The present study divided into 5 chapters. The study investigated the learning of fencing towards the development of “Self-development” and “Interpersonal Relationship” in upper-primary school students. There were very few discussions and relevant papers on such topics in Macau. As a School Leisure Activities specialist, the author attempted to investigate these two issues through questionnaires survey on students with fencing and non-fencing experiences. The sample were primary 5 to 6 students collected from 3 primary schools with fencing class assisted by the Macau Amateur Fencing Association as leisure activities in school. There were 108 fencing students and 460 non-fencing students participated in this research. The result of this research expected to open a new area and possible ways for future study of fencing. The following captured some of the research results for readers’ kind consideration. 1. Students at the fencing group indicated good development in “Self-development” and “Interpersonal Relation”. The development of “Self-development” seemed to have better learning than “Interpersonal Relationship”. The result might be related to the fact that fencing was an individual sport rather than a team sport and thus participating in fencing activity helped students to develop strong personality in “Self-development”. 2. Participation in school leisure activities had significant impacts on the aspect of “Self-development”. It might be related to the frequency of participating in group activities. 3. There were significant differences on the development of “Self-development” and “Interpersonal Relationships” when the overall duration in learning was high. For primary students, data seemed to indicate that the 1-2 hours of sport activity might not be sufficient to bring up the necessary effects in development. Better 4 performance observed for students who were engaged in activity with 2 hours or more. 4. Students in the fencing group were having better performance in the development of “Self-development” and “Interpersonal Relationship” than the non-fencing students. It reflected the peculiarity of fencing activity in personal development as the activity associated with adaptability and self-control which seemed to be the important ingredients to the development of abilities in “Self-development” and “Interpersonal Relationship”.

Chinese Abstract

本文共分五章,旨在研究劍擊活動對高小學生「自我成長」與「人際關係」 之發展。澳門在過去的日子討論劍擊活動的文章甚少,更遑論討論相關的學習 影響。作為澳門餘暇活動導師,期望能通過是次問卷調查,了解參與與非參與 劍擊活動高小學生在該兩項學習中的發展狀況。本研究對象主要分成兩組樣本, 各組學生樣本取自於 2015 年 3 所均開設澳門劍擊總會資助之餘暇活動劍擊班學 校,學生均就讀於 5、6 年級,第一組學生為參與學校餘暇活動劍擊班學生共 108 人。第二組為非參與劍擊活動學生共 460 人。研究者期望能透過是次研究,為 未來劍擊活動展開新的領域。以下為是次研究結果概要: 1. 參與學校餘暇劍擊活動為學生之「自我成長」與「人際關係」發展帶來良 好學習效果。而其中,「自我成長」發展較「人際關係」為佳,這可能與劍 擊項目為個人對賽項目,而且要在比賽場上面對不同對手和裁判員是十分 重要的一部分,所以形成學生「自我成長」表現較佳的現象。 2. 「自我成長」的發展與參加餘暇活動數目而出現顯著不同, 這可能與參與群 體活的次數有關。 3. 當整體學習時間較長時,不論在「自我成長」、「人際關係」方面的發展皆 呈顯著差異。這次研究的數據顯示,對於小學生,1-2 小時的活動可能未能 達致發展的效果,而在 2 小時以上運動則可觀察到較佳的表現。 4. 參加劍擊活動之學生,其「自我成長」及「人際關係」發展皆顯著高於沒 有參與劍擊活動之學生,這反映了劍擊活動著重個人的應變和自控能力的 獨特性,有助學生「自我成長」與「人際關係」的能力發展。

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Faculty of Education




Fencing -- Study and teaching (Elementary)

劍擊 (體育) -- 學習及教學 (小學)

Interpersonal relations


School children -- Conduct of life

學童 -- 修養



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