
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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大學生情緒智力, 學業自我效能感與學業成就的關係探討

English Abstract

In the sample of 485 Chinese undergraduate students, the relationships among Emotional Intelligence, Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Achievement were investigated. The Chinese version of the EIS (Emotional Intelligence Scale) translated by Wang Caikang (2002) and the Academic Self-efficacy Scale developed by Liang Yusong and Zhou Zongkui(2000) were used as the instruments in the present study. The conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1. In general, the average of Emotional Intelligence of undergraduate students in China was 3.85. Specifically, the score of Self-Emotion Management was the highest (M = 3.89), followed by Emotional Utilization (M = 3.87), Other-Emotion Management (M = 3.85), and Emotional Perception (M = 3.74). 2. The average of Academic Self-efficacy of students was 3.45, both of the Academic Ability Self-efficacy (M = 3.47) and Academic Behavior Self-efficacy (M = 3.42) were above theoretical median value. 3. Gender difference exists in Emotional Intelligence. Female students tended to outperform male students. The dimension of Self-Emotion Management sees different outcome between majors with students in art faring better than those in science. 4. Grade difference was found in Academic Self-efficacy. It showed that senior students experienced the highest Academic Self-efficacy, and freshmen experienced the lowest. Female students scored higher in the dimension of Academic Behavior Self-efficacy than male students. 5. Significant positive relationship existed between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Self-efficacy, as well as between Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Achievement. However, in terms of the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement, only the dimension of Self-Emotion Management sees significant positive correlation with Academic Achievement. 6. The dimension of Emotional Perception, Self-Emotion Management, and Emotional Utilization are positively predicative of Academic Self-efficacy. Moreover, Self-Emotion Management and Academic Ability Self-efficacy significantly predicted Academic Achievement. 7. According to the mediation analysis, Academic Ability Self-efficacy served as a total mediator between Self-Emotion Management and Academic Achievement.

Chinese Abstract

研究主要調查目前大學生情緒智力與學業自我效能感的現況,以及兩者總體 及具體面向對學業成就的影響,並且探討學業自我效能感在情緒智力及學業成就 之間的中介作用。本研究以 485 名國內本科院校大學生為對象,以國內學者王才 康(2002)翻譯修訂的《情緒智力量表》中文版,以及梁宇頌與周宗奎(2000) 參考 Pintrich 和 DeGroot(1990)學業自我效能感問卷中的相關維度和因素編制而 成的《學業自我效能感量表》為主要研究工具。具體研究結果如下: 一. 大學生的情緒智力之整體得分為 3.85,自我情緒管理的得分最高(M = 3.89),其餘依次為情緒運用(M = 3.87)、他人情緒管理(M = 3.85)、情緒感 知(M = 3.74)。 二. 大學生學業自我效能感之整體得分為 3.45,學習能力自我效能感和學習 行為自我效能感都達到理論中值 3 分以上水準,分別為 3.47 和 3.42。 三. 學生情緒智力總體以及四個維度均存在性別差異,女生情緒智力各方面 水準都高於男生;自我情緒管理維度存在專業差異,文史類學生自我情緒管 理水準高於理工類學生。 四. 學生學業自我效能感總體以及兩個維度均存在年級差異,大一學生學業 自我效能感最低,大四學生最高;學習行為自我效能感維度存在性別差異, 女生學習行為自我效能感高於男生。 五. 情緒智力與學業自我效能感呈顯著正相關,學業自我效能感與學業成就 I 大學生情緒智力、學業自我效能感與學業成就的關係探討 呈顯著正相關,但情緒智力中只有自我情緒管理因素與學業成就的正相關性 顯著。 六. 情緒感知、自我情緒管理和情緒運用對學業自我效能感有正向的預測作 用,自我情緒管理和學習能力自我效能感對學業成就有正向的預測作用。 七. 中介模型的分析顯示,學習能力自我效能感在自我情緒管理對學業成就 的影響中起到完全中介作用。

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Faculty of Education




College students


Academic achievement

教育水平; 學生水平

Emotional intelligence




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