UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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This is a study of the General Education Program and its implementation in the University of Macau. The general characteristics of General Education were firstly reviewed in the literature to help inform the specific features of the Program in the University, followed by applying mixed research methods such as questionnaires and interviews in collecting data to examine the management process of the change program. The framework of the questionnaire survey was based on the CIPP evaluation model taking into consideration of the 4 components related to evaluation, namely context, input, process and product. The subjects involved in the study were undergraduates studying the Program in the University. The total number of valid questionnaires collected were 317. Descriptive statistics analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the questionnaire data. 5 professors teaching the General Education Program were also interviewed. The interviews were semi-structured, with the purpose of supplementing the data collected from the questionnaires. The findings of this research include the following: 1. The General Education Program in the University of Macau started as a curriculum change program with its own characteristics, and as a part of the “4 in 1” model of undergraduate education in the University. It started in the academic year of 2011/2012. Apart from providing students with disciplinary knowledge, iv the General Education Program also aimed at enhancing students’ interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, and helped cultivate students’ personality development. 2. The findings of the study suggested that the implementation of the Program in the University was overall dissatisfactory. However, the performance in teaching was rated higher than the program structure and program administration. 3. There was no significant difference between students in terms of gender on the opinions of implementation. There was however significant difference among students in terms of their years of study and the faculties they belonged to. 4. Teachers held both positive and negative views. The positive views of teachers on the implementation of the Program included their agreement with the idea of general education, communication opportunities, teaching training programs and adequate resources. The negative views included insufficiency in promotion and discussion of the idea and philosophy of the Program, the absence of teachers in participating in the decision-making process, the lack of a complete and effective evaluation mechanism, uneven resources distribution, and the lack of a well-balanced curriculum structure. The study made some suggestions to help manage the change more effectively.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究旨在探討澳門大學通識教育的實施情況。首先,本研究會採用文獻整 理的方式,檢視澳門大學通識教育的特色。接著以問卷調查法及訪談調查法的混 合研究方法,從變革管理的角度探討澳門大學通識教育的實施情況。在問卷調查 方面,會引用 CIPP 評鑑模式為基礎,即包含了背景、輸入、過程及結果的評鑑。 研究對象為於澳門大學就讀本科課程的學生,共取得有效問卷 317 份,而問卷所 得資料會以描述性統計、T 檢驗及單因子變異數進行分析。在訪談調查方面,研 究對象為 5 位任教澳門大學通識教育的教師,以半結構式的訪談方式,更深入了 解相關資訊,並為問卷調查方面作補充。 本研究主要有以下發現: 一、 澳門大學通識教育是自 2011/2012 學年正式開始實施的一項課程變革,是澳 門大學四位一體新教育模式的其中一環。澳門大學的通識教育是一項既提供 基礎,又提供跨學科,且培養個人情操的教育,具有一般通識教育的多方面 意涵; 二、 澳門大學通識教育的整體實施情況不盡人意,當中以「課程規劃」方面表現 較差,而「教學與師資」方面表現較好; 三、 不同性別的學生對澳門大學通識教育實施情況的看法沒有顯著差異,而不同 年級或學院的學生對澳門大學通識教育實施情況的看法有顯著差異; ii 四、 教師對澳門大學通識教育實施情況的正面看法包括有:認同推行的理念、具 有許多利於溝通及教學培訓的機會以及具備充足的資源;而教師對澳門大學 通識教育實施情況的負面看法包括有:缺乏對理念的宣傳和討論、教師缺乏 參與決策的權力、評鑑機制不完善、資源分配不均、課程結構比例失調以及 教學方法未能完全配合。 最後,本研究為澳門大學通識教育行政工作者提出具體的建議,以作日後改 進之參考。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
General education -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Macau
通識教育 -- 學習及教學 (高等) -- 澳門
Educational change -- Macau -- Case studies
教育改革 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001974659706306