
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with three former private secondary school teachers in Macau to disclose the causes of teacher attrition. By exploring their thoughts, this study aims to reflect the voices of Macau teachers leaving the profession. The results of this study revealed that there are three causes of teacher attrition: 1. School factors cause teacher attrition 2. Teachers’ personal factors are related to teacher attrition 3. Disrespect for teachers’ dignity, not salary, is the main cause of teacher attrition The results of this study revealed that among the school factors, authoritative management style and mismanagement of administration cause teachers to feel unsatisfied with the administration; when accompanied with the departure of colleagues, teachers will leave the profession. Moreover, conflict between teachers’ professional belief and school management or imbalance in work and life is one of the factors for teacher attrition. The study also found that teacher attrition in Macau is not associated with salary; however, teachers may be compelled to leave their jobs if they do not feel respected by the school administration as they expect mutual communication before imposing a school policy. The study also concluded that V student is not a cause which fosters teacher attrition and this result reflects the professionalism of Macau teachers. Finally, suggestions were raised to improve the problem of teacher attrition based on the results of this study.

Chinese Abstract

本研究採用了深度訪談的研究方法,並以三位澳門私立學校中學離職教師 作為研究對象,探討她們離職的原因,以及暸解她們的想法,希望借此能夠呈 現澳門離職教師的聲音。 本研究發現,導致澳門私立學校教師離職原因有以下三點: 一、學校因素是造成教師離職的原因 二、教師的個人因素與離職有關 三、薪酬不是原因,尊嚴被挑戰才是核心 根據研究結果顯示,在學校因素中,威權式的管理風格和學校領導層缺乏 管理能力,會令教師對行政人員感到不滿,加上受同儕辭職影響,教師就會打 算離開。另外,當教師的專業信念與學校的管理理念發生衝突,或者家庭生活 與工作生活出現「角力」時,亦是導致教師離職的因素。最後,澳門教師的離 職與薪酬無關,不過她們非常重視與學校的溝通,她們希望學校在推行政策之 前,可以商量有關的事宜,否則她們會感到不被尊重,這種感覺會令教師產生 去意。此外,跟其他地區很不一樣,學生不是促進教師離職的原因卻成為了教 師體現出專業的特質。 最後,根據研究結論提出了改善教師離職問題的建議。

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Faculty of Education




Teacher turnover -- Macau -- Case studies

教師流失 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

High school teachers -- Macau -- Case studies

高中教師 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究



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