
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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基於學生視角探討澳門高校通識教育課程 : 以澳門某大學為例

English Abstract

This thesis is to study the experience about the general education Programme (GE Progamme)of students from a university in Macao. This study uses qualitative case studies , interviews , observations and document analysis to collect data. The main purposes of this thesis are:First, exploring the experienced GE Progamme from students who come from A university in Macao; Second, analyzing the factors affecting the experience of GE; Third, finding out opinions and suggestions about the GE Progamme. From discussion and discovery of this case, the main results are as follows: 1. On the experience of General Education Programme, students are fully aware of the programme’s idea and purpose, and take advantage of that. About the type and method, students suggest to adjust the programme structure and plan in order to meet their personal improvement. About the content, cases depended on real life experience are more expected, and also the difficulty of content should also be considered. 2. There are three main factors which influence students’ experience on General Education Programme: students’ personality, programme, and other participants. Students’ personality includes their prior knowledge, interest, gender, grade, learning background etc. Programme factor includes the purpose, course planning, rule of choosing courses, and the content. Other participant factor includes the teachers, peers, and other related staffs. 3. In the part of suggestions, there are some suggestions from students for the courses planning, courses content, rule of choosing courses, and also for teachers, other related staffs, and students themselves.

Chinese Abstract

本研究以澳門 A 大學的學生作為研究對象,主要是研究學生經驗到的通識 教育課程。本研究主要採用質性的個案研究法、訪談、觀察和文件分析進行資料 的蒐集。本研究的目的在於(一)探究澳門 A 大學學生經驗到的通識課程;(二) 分析影響學生獲得通識課程經驗的因素(三)瞭解學生對通識課程的意見與建 議。 依據個案學校通識課程的研究討論與發現,本研究得到之結論如下: (一)關於學生經驗到的通識課程方面,學生對通識課程理念和目標都有一 定程度的認識,且大部分學生比較認可,對於通識課程類型和模式方面,學生認 為現有的課程模式的內部結構還需要調整以更適合學生的發展,而在通識課程內 容層面,學生則認為需要更多聯繫實際社會經驗並且注意課程內容的難易程度。 (二)影響學生通識課程經驗的因素主要分為三個方面:分別是:學生的個 人因素、課程因素以及相關他人因素。學生的個人因素包括先備知識、興趣、性 別、年級、學習背景等;課程因素包括課程的目標、課程的設置、選修的規則、 課程的內容;相關他人因素包括與教師、同儕、以及相關學校學院工作人員。 (三)關於學生對通識課程改進的意見與建議裡,學生對課程的設置、課程 內容、修讀準則、以及對教師、學生自身、以及相關他人提出了一些改進建議。

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Faculty of Education




General education -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Macau

通識教育 -- 學習及教學 (高等) -- 澳門



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