
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

In recent year, the new immigrant families had increased in Macau, because of family pattern dramatically change. The purpose of the study was to explore the issue that pre-school student of new immigrant family who are facing challenges and needs in both adapting new life and learning in school. The method to carry out this study was ethnographic methodology, participants were three new immigrant family which included immigrant of family reunification and skilled immigrant. The tools to collect relevant data were field observation on family life of three immigrant children, and interview with mother. On one hand, regular observation and interview had been conducted four times, in order to collect children’s life experience and the expectation of new immigrant family towards the benefits provided by Macau society. On the other hand, pre-school student’s school life experience had been collected, which involved four times interview with pre-school student’s class teacher so as to knowing children’s learning and adaptation in school, as well as their suggestion to new immigrant family policy. The findings and analyses revealed that 1) young children from new immigrant family had dull family life experience, there were few social interactions with neighbours and community members. Small family network, immigrants from family reunification had lower socioeconomic status than that of skilled immigrant and v business immigrant. 2) It is very common that young children from new immigrant family had language barriers to communication in school, meanwhile they also got lower scores on Chinese achievement. 3) They were in a dilemma that unable to register preschool or register unideal preschool, because they had no Macau ID card which result in only few preschools can be selected. 4) There were no individual service for young children from new immigrant family in preschool curriculum and assessment. 5) Teacher were unable to provide individual teaching for them in order to ensure the teaching rate of progress. 6) Information for school-home activity and community were unable to be provided because no partnership established among preschool, family and community. 7) Parents from new immigrant family lack awareness in community information and social welfare policy.

Chinese Abstract

澳門近年來家庭型態大幅地改變,新移民家庭增多,本研究旨在探討新移民 家庭幼兒在適應新生活上所面臨的挑戰及需求和學校學習上所面臨的挑戰及需 求。本研究採用俗民誌法,從三個新移民家庭分別是家庭團聚移民和技術移民 的家庭,實地觀察三個家庭的幼兒其家庭生活情況,同時與母親進行訪談,歷 經四次的觀察記錄和訪談,蒐集新移民家庭幼兒的生活經驗及新移民家庭對於 社會福利的期待。另一端同時也蒐集新移民家庭幼兒在校的學習情況,分別與 三個新移民幼兒的班主任歷經四次的訪談記錄,了解新移民家庭幼兒在校的學 習與適應的情況,以及班主任對於新移民家庭政策的建議。本研究結果發現:(一) 新移民家庭幼兒的家庭生活經驗是單調的,為日常生活起居,與鄰居及社區人 士甚少互動。家庭網絡的密度低,家庭團聚移民者其家庭經濟較為弱勢,社經 地位也較低。但若為技術移民的家庭或為投資移民的家庭,其經濟收入與社經 地位相對較高。(二)新移民家庭幼兒在校生活普遍存在語言溝通障礙,語文學習 成績表現不理想及落後。(三)新移民家庭幼兒因未獲得身份證,能選擇就讀的學 校甚少,經常面臨無法入學或擇不上理想學校的困境。(四)幼兒園的課程與評量 沒有針對新移民家庭的幼兒提供個別化的服務。(五)教師為了教學進度,也無法 為新移民家庭幼兒提供個別化指導。(六)幼兒園與家庭、社區未建立夥伴關係, 無法提供新移民家庭的家園互動活動和社區資訊。(七)新移民家庭的家長對於社 區資訊和社會福利政策缺乏認識。 三個澳門新移民家庭對於幼兒家庭生活與學校學習需求之研究 iii

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Faculty of Education




Immigrants -- Macau -- Case studies

移民人士 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Immigrant children -- Macau -- Case studies

童齡移民人士 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Immigrant children -- Education -- Macau -- Case studies

童齡移民人士 -- 教育 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究



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