
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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論冷凍胚胎的法律屬性及權利歸屬 : 以中國內地法為視角 = Concerning the legal attribute and the rights of ownership of the frozen embryos : from the perspective of mainland China law

English Abstract

In modern society,while enjoying the highly developed material benefits, people are also bearing it’s negative effects, which including infertility. And with the continuous development of medicine, artificial reproductive technology came into being, but when people are enjoying the benefits brought by this technology , it brought a series of legal problems. In China, for example, these legal difficulties currently are not clearly defined in our law, so the judges are often stretched when dealing with such cases because there are no applicable laws. Therefore, firstly we must define a legal attribute for the frozen embryos, then we will discuss the right of ownership, the right of inheritance and the right of disposal (mainly is about the issue of surrogate) respectively, with a view to be helpful to improve the relevant legislation and justice of frozen embryos. In this paper, firstly I introduced three theories of frozen embryos: subject theory, object theory and intermediary theory, then I outlined the basis of law and reality in china of frozen embryos research, then on this basis, I rejected the subject theory and intermediary theory, finally, I can define the legal attribute of the frozen embryos as ethics. After defining the legal attribute of the frozen embryos as ethics, I studied the primary issue: the issue of ownership. Firstly, I listed several cases about ownership of frozen embryos in foreign countries for reference, then I draw two conclusions: 1,Medical institutions do not enjoy the ownership of the frozen embryos, since the delegate or custody contract with the husbands and wives by the surgeon; 2, The nature of the right of ownership of the frozen embryos is how to make the reproductive rights of husbands and wives to reach a state of equilibrium. I also introduced the issue of ownership of the frozen embryos in four cases: 1,The issue of 4 ownership of the frozen embryos during marriage; 2,The issue of ownership of the frozen embryos during divorce; 3,The issue of ownership of the unowned frozen embryos; 4,The issue of ownership of the frozen embryos when one or both spouses die. In addition, the restrictions on ownership of the frozen embryos were also discussed. Of course, the discussion will be introduced into the right of inheritance of the frozen embryos by the case 4. In the chapter of the right of inheritance , firstly I analyzed why the frozen embryos should be decedent's legacy, then I got conclusion that the frozen embryos should be inherited by legal successor, then I discussed several issues that includes the principles of succession of frozen embryos, the restrictions of the right of inheritance and the frozen embryos don't enjoy the dominant position of inheritance. After being inherited, if the heirs do not have the reproductive ability, for the frozen embryos, the only way to be born is surrogate. Therefore, in the last chapter, I discussed the issue of surrogate in the view of disposal. Firstly, I listed several legislations and jurisprudences related to surrogacy from different countries and regions for reference, then I realized that our government prohibit surrogacy blindly,not regulating surrogacy reasonably on the legal level, which make itself fail to recognize why so many institutions and peoples venture to implement surrogacy and serve in surrogacy, which also eventually led to a situation that black-market surrogacy has become increasingly rampant and the surrogate mothers don't have securities day by day. However, then I made some prospects and recommendations for the surrogacy legal in the future. In the part of prospects, I discussed the legality of surrogacy and proposed a plan to legalize surrogacy, this plan will prove that surrogacy legal may come true. And in the part of recommendations, I also introduced surrogacy legal in details in the views of the parties from the activity of surrogacy. Finally, I think the frozen embryos are no longer new things, but now there are no provisions on the legal level in our law, only departmental rules, but the problems caused by the frozen embryos are imminent, it is obvious that our legislature should take precautions to start the relevant legislative procedures as soon as possible, which could improve and perfect the legal system to protect frozen embryos and the legitimate rights of the parties effectively.

Chinese Abstract

現代社會,人們享受著高度發展的物質利益的同時,也承受著由此產生的負 面效果,不孕不育症就是其中之一。而伴隨著醫學的不斷發展,人工輔助生殖技 術就此應運而生了,但是人們在享受著這項技術所帶來的福利的同時,其所引起 的法律問題又給法律界出了難題,以我國為例,目前我國法律對這些法律難題都 沒有做出明確規定,所以法官在面臨此類案件時往往因為沒有法律適用而捉襟見 肘。因此,本文意識到必須先從法理上為冷凍胚胎明確一個法律地位,然後在明 晰了冷凍胚胎法律屬性的基礎上對冷凍胚胎的所有權歸屬、繼承權歸屬以及處置 權(主要是代孕問題)規制分別加以論述,以期對以後冷凍胚胎相關立法、司法 的完善有所幫助。本文先對冷凍胚胎主體說、客體說、中間說分別作了比較詳細 的介紹,然後又概述了我國冷凍胚胎研究的現實基礎與法律基礎,接著在此基礎 上分別駁斥了主體說和中間說,最後確定了冷凍胚胎的法律屬性為倫理物。 在確定了冷凍胚胎為倫理物後,本文順理成章地研究了其作為“物”的首要 問題,即所有權問題。在冷凍胚胎所有權問題的研究當中,本文先列舉了幾個國 外關於冷凍胚胎所有權歸屬的判例以作參考,然後得出“醫療機構不享有冷凍胚 胎的所有權,因為其與受術夫妻之間僅僅是一種委託或保管合同的關係,而且冷 凍胚胎的所有權歸屬問題的本質是如何使具有冷凍胚胎所有權爭議的雙方達成 各自生育權的一種平衡狀態”這兩個結論,並且對“夫妻雙方婚姻存續期間冷凍 胚胎的所有權歸屬”、“夫妻離婚時冷凍胚胎的所有權歸屬”、“無主冷凍胚胎 的所有權歸屬”、“供體夫妻一方或雙方死亡時冷凍胚胎的所有權歸屬”這四種 情況下的冷凍胚胎所有權歸屬以及冷凍胚胎所有權的限制分別作了論述,當然 “供體夫妻一方或雙方死亡時冷凍胚胎的所有權歸屬”這種情況將本文引入到 冷凍胚胎繼承權的討論中,在繼承權這一章裡,本文先對冷凍胚胎應該成為被繼 承人的遺產作了理由上的分析,然後得出了冷凍胚胎應該被繼承人合法繼承這一 結論,接著本文論述了冷凍胚胎的繼承原則和繼承權限制以及其不享有主體地位 的繼承權等問題。 冷凍胚胎被繼承後,若是繼承人不具有生育能力,那麼其唯一指向就是代 孕,因此本文在最後一章以處置權的角度就代孕的重點問題作了論述,筆者在此 章先是列舉了世界各國和地區對代孕問題的相關立法和判例,以作參考,然後分 析了我國一味禁止代孕而不在法律層面上切實合理規範代孕,從而不能認識到為 2 何這麼多機構和個人冒險實施代孕技術,從事代孕服務,最終導致了我國現如今 黑市代孕日益猖獗而代孕母愈加沒有保障的現狀與困境,但是緊接著筆者也對我 國今後合法代孕作了展望與建議,筆者於代孕的展望中對代孕行為的合法性作了 論述,也就此提出了一個初具模型的代孕合法化規劃,此規劃初步證明代孕合法 化是有可為的。在建議中筆者也從代孕中各方當事人的角度對合法代孕的規範化 作了詳盡的說明。 最後本文認為冷凍胚胎早已經不是新生事物,但現今法律對之還沒有法律層 面上的相關規定,只有部門規章,而其所涉及到的問題已經迫在眉睫,建議我國 立法機關應該未雨綢繆,待條件成熟時儘快開展相關立法工作,以完善冷凍胚胎 保護的法律體系,切實保障代孕行爲中各方當事人的合法權益。

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Faculty of Law




Human reproduction -- Law and legislation -- China

人類繁殖 -- 法規 -- 中國

Fertilization in vitro, Human -- Law and legislation -- China

人工受精 (人類) -- 法規 -- 中國



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