
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Possession is an ancient system of the Civil Law. From the Roman Law, to the Germanic Law, and to the modern and contemporary Civil Law, there has been a lot of doctrines and debates about the system of possession, and these will be never stopped. But it is certain that the system of possession has been used and improved with the development of the society. Possession system values importantly in the Property Law, because it plays a unique and essential role in the maintenance of social peace and justice, and the area of the development of the market economy and prosperity and the improvement of the Property Law system. The protection of possession is the main purpose of the system of possession, and the protection of possession can maintain the order of the deposition of things, and promote the development of the market economy. Due to the history, language, time and other factors, researches and studies that the scholars and judicial officers have made on the protection of possession are not enough yet and existing lots of theoretical problems requiring to be solved although Macau Civil Code has thorough clauses on the protection of possession. In this Paper, the protection of possession of Macau is analyzed in order to make some contribution on the improvement and the development of the system of Macau possession protection. There are four parts in this paper: The first part is to introduce the theme of this paper by a real Macau’s case. The second part is about the history of Macau possession system. Firstly, it will explain clearly the relationship between Macau Civil Code and Portuguese Civil Code, which is origin of the Macau possession system. Then it compares the differences between Portuguese Civil Code which was applied in Macau and Macau Civil Code which is applied in Macau now. The third part is to analyze the theoretical basis of the protection of possession. Firstly, it will introduce several important views to analyze reasons for the protection of possession; secondly, it has a study about possession’s nature; after confirmed possession is a kind or fact, it will study the relationship between original possession right and possession. The fourth part is to analyze the protection of possession. Firstly, it will introduce possession’s selfhelp, Macau Civil Code allows possessors to make self-help through self-reliance and self-defense, but it can’t give possessor overall self-help compared with other Civil Codes, such as Germany, China Taiwan, China and Italy etc; secondly, it will introduce the judicial protection of possession, Macau Civil Code allows possessors several ways to protect themselves: claims based on the real right, creditor’s rights; lawsuits against the execution by the third party and possessor’s temporary reply’s preserving procedure for civil litigation; finally, it will introduce different types of possession’ for the protection, because the above discussion is based on the direct possession, but in reality, there are indirect possession and joint possession and so on.

Chinese Abstract

占有是一項古老的民法制度。從羅馬法開始,經過日爾曼法,再到近現代的德國民法, 關於占有制度的學說和爭論一直沒有間斷過。不過可以肯定的是,占有的制度一直都被得到 使用,並且隨著社會的發展而得到不斷的完善。占有在物權法中佔據著十分重要的地位,在 維持社會和平與公正,促進市場經濟的發展與繁榮,完善物權法制度等方面發揮著獨一無二 且不可缺少的作用。 占有保護是占有制度的主要目的,對占有的保護可以穩定物的支配秩序,促進市場經濟 的發展。《澳門民法典》雖然對占有制度進行詳盡的規定,但是由於語言、歷史和時間等因 素,造成澳門的學者和司法人員對占有保護制度的理論研究還不夠深入,很多理論上的問題 亟待解決。本文對澳門地區的占有保護機制進行了淺析的研究,以期能對澳門地區占有保護 制度的完善和發展做出一點貢獻。 本文主要通過四個部分對澳門占有保護制度進行分析: 第一部分是通過澳門地區的一個真實判例引出本文的主題。 第二部分是介紹澳門占有制度的歷史。首先會闡釋清楚《澳門民法典》和《葡萄牙民法 典》的關係,這是澳門占有制度的起源;然後對比之前在澳門適用的《民法典》和現在適用 的《澳門民法典》的區別。 第三部分是分析對占有保護的理論基礎。首先會通過幾個重要的觀點對占有進行保護的 理由進行分析;其次研究占有的性質;在確定占有是一種事實後,會對占有與本權之間的關 係進行一番討論。 第四部分是對占有的保護進行分析。首先會介紹占有的自立救濟方式,《澳門民法典》 賦予了占有人以自助行為和正當防衛的方式進行自立救濟,與德國、中國臺灣、義大利等民 法典相比,這種方式不能賦予占有人全面的自立救濟權;其次闡述佔有的司法保護,《澳門 民法典》中賦予了占有人以下幾種司法保護:物上請求權的保護方式、占有的債權保護方 法、第三人異議之訴、占有的臨時回復的保全程式;最後介紹不同類型占有的保護,因上面 的討論是以直接占有為前提去進行討論的,而在現實中,存在著間接占有、共同占有等其他 類型的占有。

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Faculty of Law




Possession (Law) -- Macau

所有權 (法律) -- 澳門



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