UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
合同解除後損害賠償問題研究 : 以可得利益損失賠償為中心 = Analysis damages for termination of the contract : focus on damages for expectant interests
- English Abstract
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The system of termination of the contract is a very important part of civil law legal system. At the same time, the questions aroused after termination of the contract have become the significant issues of law and theoretical circles of academia. China's "Contract Law" Article 94 provides conditions for termination of the contract which can be divided into three types: Firstly, agreement of condition’s termination; Secondly, failing to achieve the purpose of the contract due to force majeure; Thirdly, the delay, refuse or incomplete performance of contract and other actions in breach of the purpose of the contract. Among the above types, breach of contract purposes is not only the most common reason of contract termination, but also the most controversial reason in the case of judicial practice. Along with the rapid development of economy, the contract has become an important role in the socialist market economic system in which people are allowed to engage in marketing activities and to achieve economic transactions. Initially, the parties to the contract must have a certain purpose while signing the contract. After the conclusion of the contract, the parties will be compliance to the contract in order to obtain the expected profit. However, various factors can lead to the failure of fulfilling the contract. It may cause further loss of property if the observant party chooses to continue the contract. In this case, the non-defaulting party of the contract will definitely require the opposing side to seek to maximize compensation for their loss. This article will try to analyze the following question: how to assume the liability after the termination of the contract; whether the loss of expected interests after the contract terminated 5 should be included; how to define the scope of damages and to calculate the loss of expectant interests. In this article, the author thinks the damages used in Contract Law of People’s Republic of China do not include the damages for loss of expected benefit and the compensation for the loss of expectant interests. In order to offer the non-breaching party sufficient remedies and to achieve the purpose of punish the breaching party and maintain the stability of contracts, the damages used in the Contract Law should include the compensation for the loss of expectant interests. Based on applicable law and judicial practice, and the comparison and analysis of domestic legislation and judicial practice, this article will illustrate the termination of the contract and its legal consequences, the scope of damages and the meaning of expectant interests and current law. Apart from this, this paper will make some suggestions on how to establish and perfect the legal system of damages of expectant interests.
- Chinese Abstract
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合同解除制度在我国民法体系中属于一项重要的法律制度。与此同时,合同解除后 出现的相关问题也成为了我国法律学术界与理论界研究的重要问题。我国《合同法》第 94 条规定了合同解除的条件,大致可分为三种类型:一是约定解除的条件;二是因不可 抗力致使不能实现合同目的;三是由于迟延履行、拒绝履行、不完全履行以及其他致使 合同目的不能实现的违约行为。其中,因违约行为致使不能实现合同目的,最终导致合 同解除的情况在司法审判实践中最为常见与复杂,也最具争论性。 在经济发展迅猛的今天,随着人们经济活动的日益增加,合同逐渐成为人们参与市 场经营与实现经济交易的重要方式,其在社会主义市场经济体系中发挥着举足轻重的作 用。合同双方当事人订立合同之初都具有一定的目的,正常情况下,在合同订立之后, 合同双方当事人都会守约,这样彼此才能获得预期的利润。但是由于各种因素的影响, 有时会出现合同不能按照合同约定完全地履行,此时守约方若继续履行合同,则可能会 造成财产的扩大损失,所以在无奈之下会选择解除合同这种救济方式。此时,合同的非 违约方定会最大限度的要求违约方赔偿自己损失的利益。法院在审理涉及合同纠纷的案 件中,遇到的一个重要并且难以解决的问题就是合同解除后的法律责任该如何承担?如 何平衡合同双方当事人之间的权益?合同解除后的损害赔偿范围应当如何确定?具体来 说,合同解除后的可得利益损失是否应当包含在内?而何为可得利益?可得利益如何认 定与计算?这些都是本文要讨论的内容。 笔者认为,合同解除后的损害赔偿范围除了应当包括信赖利益的损失,还应当包括 对可得利益损失的赔偿。为了充分维护守约方当事人的合法利益,达到制裁违约方的目 的,维护合同领域的稳定性,我国《合同法》第 97 条中所说的“赔偿损失”应当包括对 可得利益的损失进行赔偿。本文立足于我国《合同法》的相关规定及司法实践,在比较 3 分析国内外立法和司法实践的基础上,详细论述了合同解除及其法律后果、合同解除后 损害赔偿的范围、可得利益的内涵与现行法则等相关问题,并就完善我国可得利益损害 赔偿制度提出了四点建议。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Breach of contract -- China
違反合約 -- 中國
Compensation (Law) -- China
補償 (法律) -- 中國
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001669379706306