
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


販賣毒品罪若干問題研究 = A study on various issues of drug trafficking

English Abstract

Macau, situated on the Southeast coast of mainland China, is on the western coast of the Pearl River Delta, faces Hong Kong across the sea and is opposite to Wanzai Zhuhai and Hengqin Island across the waters, connecting northerly to Gongbei in Zhuhai. Macau is conveniently accessible from all directions, and has a prosperous development in gaming and entertainment industry, it has become a transshipment and consumption. hub of drugs (referred to as narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the legal terminology of Macau) In the last 20 years, drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) in Macau mainly includes Heroin and starting from the 90's, Marijuana, Halcion, Crystal meth, Ecstasy, as well as the recently popular Special K(Ketamine) and Cocaine, began to emerge. As we can see, the types of drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) are ever increasing while there is a continuous growth of drug abuse and trafficking cases. Over these few years, even teenagers are involved in drugs abuse and lured into trafficking drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances). According to statistics, there are 101 people arrested for drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) trafficking in 2012, while 175 were arrested for drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) abuse and 2 were arrested for other reasons. Among these people, 6 of them were under the age of 16, 38 were between the age of 16 to 21 and 234 were over the age of 21. 1599 grams of Heroin, 1312 grams of Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth), 1122 grams of Ketamine (Special K), 60 grams of Marijuana and 1168 gram of Cocaine were seized. In 2013, 238 people were arrested for drug (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) trafficking, while 249 were arrested for drug abuse (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) and 17were arrested for other reasons. Among these people, 2 of them were under the age of 16, 50 were between the age of 16 to 21 and 452 were over the age of 21. 3125 grams of Heroin, 932 grams of Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth), 1380 grams of Ketamine(Special K), 52 grams of Marijuana and 48187 grams of Cocaine were seized. In 2014, 129 people were arrested for drug (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking, while 193 were arrested drug (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances abuse and 23 were arrested for other reasons. Among these people, 1 of them were under the age of 16, 33 were between the age of 16 to 21 and 311 were over the age of 21. 3536 grams of Heroin, 6215 grams of Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth), 6320 grams of Ketamine (Special K), 519 grams of Marijuana and 2788 grams of Cocaine were seized. Currently, trafficking and abusing drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances)are a rather severe scourge on which the international community is unremittingly cracking down, and Macau is no exception. A serious study on the types of crime changed against drug (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking and the crime patterns, together with a comprehensive, thorough, meticulous and systematic study on the applicable penalties, over of great assistance to the judicial authorities in accurately defining the nature of drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) and determining appropriate sentences. This article focuses on drugs (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) and drug (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) trafficking crimes. By comparing the repealed Decree-Law No.5/91/M (trafficking and consumption of narcotic drugs), with the legislation on drug (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) trafficking crimes in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, a study on the laws and regulations on drug (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) trafficking crimes in Macau is conducted. Key words : trafficking, drugs, penalty

Chinese Abstract

澳門位於中國大陸東南部沿海。地處珠江三角洲的西岸,與香港隔海相望,和珠海的灣仔,橫琴島隔水相對,北接珠海的拱北,由於對外四通八達,加上賭 博及娛樂事業發達,成爲毒品(澳門法律術語稱之爲麻醉藥品及精神藥物)的中轉站及消費站。 澳門毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)在近二十多年主要有海洛因,之後在九十年代開始,逐漸出現大麻、藍精靈、冰、搖頭丸、以及近期流行的K仔(氯胺酮)及可卡因。可見,麻醉藥品及精神藥物)種類不斷增加,同時吸毒及販賣的個案亦不斷上升,近這幾年,更多青少年涉及吸毒及被引誘販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)。 根據資料統計,2012年因販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)而被逮捕的有101 人,因吸食毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)而被拘捕的有 175 人,其他原因被拘捕的有2人,其中年齢少於16岁的有6人,介乎16至21 岁的38人,大於21 岁的有234人。檢獲海洛因有 1599克,甲基笨丙胺(冰)1312克,氯胺酮(K 仔)1122 克,大麻60克,可卡因 1168克。2013年因販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)而被拘捕的有 238人,因吸毒而被拘捕的有249人,其他原因被拘捕的有17人,其中年齡少於16岁的有2人,介乎16至21岁的50人,大於21岁的有452人。檢獲海洛因有3125克,甲基笨丙胺(冰)932 克,氯胺酮(K 仔)1380 克,大麻 52 克,可卡因48187 克。2014 年因販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)而被拘捕的有 129 人,因吸毒而被拘捕的有193人,其他原因被拘捕的有23人,其中年齡少於16歲的有1人,介乎16至21歲的33人,大於21歲的有311人。 檢獲海洛因有3536克,甲基笨丙胺(冰)6215克,氯胺酮(K仔)6320克,大麻519克,可卡因2788克。 販賣及吸食毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)是現今較為嚴重之禍害,國際社會對 此堅持不懈地打擊,澳門也不例外。 認真研究販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)犯罪的類型,犯罪形態及對適用刑罰方面進行全面、深入、細緻、系統研究,有助於司法當局對於毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)正確定性及恰當量刑。 本文着眼於毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)及販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)犯罪,透過與已被廢止之法令第5/91/M 號(販賣及吸食麻醉品)、中國大陸、香港及台灣有關規範販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)犯罪之比較,從而對本澳販賣毒品(麻醉藥品及精神藥物)犯罪之法規進行研究。 關鍵字:販賣、毒品、刑罰

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Faculty of Law




Narcotic laws -- Macau

毒品法 -- 澳門

Drug traffic -- Macau

毒品生產, 交易, 偷運, 等 -- 澳門



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