UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
An analysis of Myanmar's balancing foreign policy towards China and US
- English Abstract
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After World War II, people began to aware the importance of human rights. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are the main actors in human rights promotion; they play a very important role in the process of human rights development. These human rights NGOs try to spread international human rights norms; it is one of the major missions for them to turn the human rights norms internalized as well as to implement the human rights domestically. During the above norm building process, NGOs convince the outside world with their claims and come up with common values through dialogue between actors. However, the human rights NGOs are not always successful in achieving their goals and also the promotion of human rights norms is not always smooth. From previous researches1 under this topic we can understand the method adopted by human rights NGOs in promoting human rights norms. As stated by Finnemore and Sikkink, every norm has a “Life Cycle”, that is, the process of the norm building from emergence to internalization. Therefore, this paper tries to provide the analysis of how the norm “Life 1 “Transnational Human Rights Networks: Significance and Challenges” by Hans Peter Schmitz (2010); “Making Human Rights a Reality” by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton (2013); “NGOs and Human Rights Promotion: Socialization, Framing, and the Case of West Papua” by Gilbert Paul Carson (2008); “The Boomerang Pattern: Verification and Modification” by David Bassano (2014); “Building a Better Boomerang? Human Rights, NGOs and the New Media” by Dominik Stecula, Trevor Thrall and Rossella Moyer (2014), etc. INTERNATIONAL NORM DYNAMICS: NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS 10 Cycle” works towards human rights campaign with the use of the “boomerang pattern”2 . At the same time, case studies will be employed to analyze how human rights NGOs use boomerang pattern to fulfill the norm “Life Cycle”. Since the death penalty is one of the most controversial issues among countries, thus this research will explore specifically the death penalty system to see how human rights NGOs use the “boomerang pattern” to influence those countries’ policies. This research will mainly explore the death penalty policy of Taiwan, Turkey and the Philippines. It is found that due to the difference of national interests among the countries, as a result, different human rights policies are adopted by different countries. Because of different factors, the norm “Life Cycle” cannot always be able to complete every time. This difference in the pursuit of national interests becomes one of the largest obstacles of the international human rights norm development. In view of this, this research presents a new stage ---“Norm Decline” to the norm “Life Cycle”, and tries to analyze the reasons and factors leading to this new stage.
- Issue date
- Author
Li, Zi Meng
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Government and Public Administration
- Degree
- Subject
Buram -- Foreign relations -- China
Buram -- Foreign relations -- United States
Buram -- Politics and government
- Supervisor
Chen, Ding Ding
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001577339706306