
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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職業技術學校教師專業發展之挑戰與困難研究 : 以澳門兩位公校教師為例

English Abstract

Public technical school always gives the general public an impression of second choice. In effect, teachers working in these schools, they need to spend much more time to solve the student’s behavior problems comparing with grammar school. This is indeed a big chanllege for them. The teacher professional development in this regard may be one of the constraints for their professional development. Stemming from the personal experiences of the author, she has been working in the public technical school for more than 15 years, she has faced the same problems. Thus, she would like to study those problems and find out the solutions through this research. This research bases on the self-working experience, Macao social background, and historical and social context to explore the teaching and constraints of two public schooll teachers working in the technical school in Macao. There are four dimensions to look at the challenges and difficulties in their professional development, namely teaching experience, achievement, teaching concept, and their ideas in professional development. Data are collected by means in-depth interviews. The research results shows that even though the government school system has more limitation comparing with grammar school and the student quality and achievement are not good, it will not affect these two teachers’ mission and motivation. Moreover, they can keep to hard working and positive in teaching and professional development and it will not affect by salary factor. The research results also found that the main factors affecting their professional development included communication problems with the school management board, unfair workload, traditional concept in parents, and lack of government support.

Chinese Abstract

職業技術學校一般給外界人士是一種二等選擇,包括家及就讀的學生。事 實上,在職業學校裡的學生的行為偏差或需要個別化照顧也比一般文法學校為 多。教師在這類型的學校工作,往往用了相當大部份的時間在教學時間、教室 管理甚至要面向學生及家長的輔導。在這樣的情況下,教師如何在沉重的工作 中去進行自身的專業發展呢?筆者任職於澳門公立職業技術學校(下簡稱“公職 校”)多年,每天面生活在這種壓迫的工作空間,因此對於自身及團隊教師的專 業成長的議題尤其關注。因此,本研究立足於自身的經驗,和澳門社會背景和 脈絡下,探究兩位任職於公立職業技術學校教師的專業成長的挑戰和困難。本 研究以質性研究的方法,通過對兩位公立職業技術學校教師對於教學的看法及 工作的狀況,從而了解其專業發展的挑戰和困難。通過深度訪談,蒐集兩位公 職校教師的教學經歷、教學成就感、教學理念,及其對教師專業發展的看法。 研究結果顯示:即使公職學校的行政制度較私校受約束,學生的素質和學業成 績有著根本上的偏差,而兩位受訪者基於其使命感、投入感、及對教育的信念 和堅持,依然抱持積極的態度,薪金並不是決定教師發展動力的最主要的因素。 然而在教師專業發展的阻撓在於學校行政與教師在溝通、分工不公平之上,以 及社會傳統觀念和政府政策的配合。

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Faculty of Education




Teachers -- Training of -- Macau

教師 -- 職業培訓 -- 澳門

Teachers -- In-service training -- Macau

教師 -- 在職培訓 -- 澳門

Public schools -- Macau

公立學校 -- 澳門



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