
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門 "教學設計獎勵計劃" 中物理科優秀教案分析

English Abstract

Since instructional design is complicated and diverse progresses, instructional design model provides principles and theories for designing processes, guiding designers create effective and efficiency instructional designs and manifest the abstract design paradigms. The purpose of this study was by using content analysis to exam the holistic quality of high school (grade 7 to 12) physics lesson plans awarded from 1996 to 2012 “Award Scheme on Instructional Design” in Macau, organized by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau and semistructure interviews with teachers awarded, to figure out the characteristics of the good instructional design. The awarded lesson plans were analyzed by Science Lesson Plan Analysis Instrument which is composed by 4 Categories and followed by 22 Items. Results are the followings: (a) the ranking of the completeness is Lesson Design and Implementation—Cognitive and Metacognitive Issues, Alignment with Endorsed Practices, Design and Implementation—Sociocultural and Affective Issues and Portrayal and Use of the Practices of Science; (b) comparing the junior high and senior high, junior high lesson plans are better; (c) lesson plans submitted by groups are better than by individual; (d) the award grades show the same trend in all Categories except in Portrayal and Use of the Practices of Science; (e) the ranking of difference branches is shown as followings: Mechanics, Sounds and Optics, Heat-Thermodynamics, Others, Electricity and Electromagnetic, where lesson plans in Mechanics are better than Electricity and Electromagnetic and there is significant difference in Lesson Design and Implementation—Cognitive and Metacognitive Issues; (f) since 1996, the trend shows significant improvement; (g) the correlations between awarded grades and all Categories are either Highly or Moderately correlated; (h) the instructional designs characteristics of the interviewed teachers are Constructivist Instructional Design, based on Cognitive Learning Theory (Constructivist Learning Theory), using non-linear portrayal, Teacher-centered design, and combining Artistic and Instrumental paradigm. As results shown, grading is consistent and appropriate in “Award Scheme on Instructional Design”. The award lesson plans are reference sources for award teachers and iv the qualities keep improving. Thus, the objectives of “Award Scheme on Instructional Design”, which organized by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) of Macao SAR Government, are partially reached.

Chinese Abstract

教學設計是複雜、多樣的過程。教學設計模式能為設計過程提供一些原理及原則, 指導設計高效的教學設計,並將明確表現抽象的設計範式。本研究以內容分析法研究 1996 年至 2012 年間澳門教育暨青年局舉辦的「教學設計獎勵計劃」中獲獎的物理科教 學設計,並對獲奬教師進行半結構式訪談,以找出優秀物理科教學設計的特質及其設計 特點。由 4 個範疇及其下數目不等的 22 條分析指標構成的科學教學設計分析工具 (Science Lesson Plan Analysis Instrument)為教學設計分析評量工具。 本研究發現:(1)四個範疇達成率由高至低分別為「認知及後設認知」、「一致 性」、「社會文化及情意」、「科學描述及使用」;(2)在比較初中及高中兩個教育 階段,初中作品表現較好;(3)以團體較個人表現較好;(4)比較三個不同獲獎等級, 除「科學描述及使用」表現順序為甲、優、乙等外,其餘順序均與獲獎等級相同;(5) 不同主題整體表現依次為「力學」、「聲音和光學」、「熱學」、「其他」、「電磁學」, 其中「力學」較「電磁學」為佳,其中「認知及後設認知」範疇有顯著性差異;(6) 就趨勢而言,自「獎勵計劃」設立以來,獲獎教學設計整體上有顯著性提高;(7)就獲 獎等級與各範疇相關性均為顯著高度相關或中度相關;(8)受訪獲獎老師為「建構主 義」教學設計特點、教學基礎理論為「認知學習理論」(建構主義學習理論)、設計流程 為「非綫性」、採用「教師中心」的視角主導教學設計,並兼具「藝術」及「工具」設 計範式。 就結果顯示,歷屆「教學設計獎勵計劃」評等是一致及恰當,獲獎教案水平不斷提 升、獲獎作品亦提供給教師借鑑,澳門特區教育暨青年局某程度上達到其舉辦目的。

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Faculty of Education




Curriculum planning -- Macau

課程規劃 -- 澳門

Activity programs in education -- Macau

教育活動課程 -- 澳門

Physics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

物理學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門



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