
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

This study is a case study in a primary school in Chongqing , which is designed to investigate the current situation of the school-based curriculum development. The purpose of this study is to realize the status of school-based curriculum development of the case school, and to identify the positive experiences and negative experiences in the process of case school-based curriculum development. At the same time, it would provide referential developmental strategies for the school-based curriculum in elementary school. This study is a case study, which collected data through semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation and text analysis. Here are the results of this study: Based on the analysis of the information obtained in particular interview, I realized the process and implementation of "classic-reading" curriculum development of the case school. There is much experience to learn, the most prominent four points are as follows: first, respect the students. The students are regarded as one of the main developers of school-based curriculum development; second, research and transaction are combined to make sure the rationality of school-based curriculum development and implementation; third, respect the teachers. Teachers have the autonomy and freedom to decide what to teach and how to teach; fourth, the courage to break the shackles of traditional concepts. The focus of the school falls on enhancing students' abilities instead of the scores. Of course, the "classic-reading" school-based curriculum development of the case school also has some shortcomings. It comes into the following points: First, at the beginning of the school-based curriculum development, situational analysis ignores the external factors; second, there is a lack of connections between course content; third, there is no fixed curriculum implementation time; fourth, teachers have no enough training of theoretical knowledge for the school-based curriculum; fifth, it does not have a perfect evaluation system. I believe that the findings can be extended, these positive experiences provide a template for other schools ' curriculum development, and the negative experiences provide a mirror for other schools' curriculum development as well.

Chinese Abstract

本研究是以重慶市某小學為研究對象的個案研究,旨在探討基礎教育課程改 革背景下學校校本課程開發現狀。本研究的研究目的為通過個案研究的方式,瞭 解個案學校校本課程開發的現狀,找出個案學校校本課程開發過程中的正面經驗 與存在的問題。同時,以小見大,為小學校本課程的開發提供可借鑒的開發策略。 本研究採用個案研究法,通過半結構式訪談、非參與式觀察和文本分析等方 法收集資料。 本研究的研究結果如下: 根據對所搜集資料特別是訪談所獲取資料的分析,筆者發現個案學校“經典 誦讀”校本課程開發與實施過程中,有許多值得借鑒的經驗,最突出的四點是: 第一,充分尊重學生,把學生也看作課程開發主體之一;第二,科研與事務相結 合,使校本課程開發與實施有理有據,有理論可遵循,提高校本課程開發的科學 性;第三,充分尊重教師,教師具有較多的自主性和自由度;第四,勇於打破傳 統觀念的束縛,推翻“唯分數”思想,勇於創新,將著眼點落在學生能力的提升 上。 當然,個案學校“經典誦讀”校本課程開發也存在著一些不足之處,主要集 中在以下幾點:第一,校本課程開發之初,情境分析忽略校外因素的考量;第二, 課程內容有些零散,年級、年段之間缺乏聯繫;第三,沒有固定的課程實施時間; 第四,對於教師的培養不足,教師普遍對與校本課程相關的理論知識匱乏;第五, 沒有形成完善的評價體系。 筆者認為研究結果具有推廣性,這些正面經驗對其他學校校本課程開發提供 了笵本,負面經驗也是對其他學校校本課程開發的警醒。

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Faculty of Education




Curriculum planning -- China -- Chung Ching

課程規劃 -- 中國 -- 重慶



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