UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
創作性戲劇教學結合歷史教學之行動研究 : 從澳門歷史城區出發
- English Abstract
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This action research aims to construct a history curriculum based on the Historic Centre of Macau using creative drama teaching combined with history teaching. The purposes of this research are to explore: 1) the developing process of combining creative drama and history in reaching. 2) some possible solutions to the difficulties when combining creative drama and history reaching. 3) the effects of using the methods of combining creative drama and history in teaching. The researcher conducted this action research in a class of extra-curricular, consisting of twenty students from Primary three and four. This action research had been taken for almost twenty-eight weeks. It had covered twenty-five scenes of the history Centre of Macau, which have entered the list of World Cultural Heritage. The results are as the following: 1) It is possible to combine creative drama teaching with history teaching together. Combining these two seemingly different teaching methods can enhance students’ interest and motivation in learning history. The curriculum is based on the Historic Centre of Macau, through the combination of two teaching methods, creating a set of history curriculum, which especially designed for Macau Primary School. This research consists of four phases of development: absorbing water, sprouting, growing and fruit sharing. In these four phases, drama teaching was introduced into the history class step by step. The learning effect was also reinforced by adding some outdoor learning activities. Students were led to enter empathetically the world of historical buildings in order to discover the past stories and feel and witness the history. 2) In the process of developing this history curriculum, there may be some difficulties. However, it is so encouraging that the researcher overcame the difficulties or challenges with students together so as to keep progress of the research. The teacher had also developed the ability of using drama and history factors in her teaching activities and at the same time established the class regulation effectively with students. During this process, students had tried to participate in the curriculum and actively become the dominator of the learning. With the assistance of the researcher, they not only created a drama script based on the theme of The Historic Centre of Macau, but also acted, directed and edited the entire drama by themselves. Through this process, their cognition and knowledge of world history had been enriched. 3) For students, learning history has no longer been restricted on books and papers. Through the combination of drama and history teaching, students are able to enter empathetically the authentic historic world based on a certain extent of knowledge of history. Learning in authentic scenes has enhanced the cognition of The Historic vi Centre of Macau, which can also assist students on fostering the habit of exploring the historic scenery actively and going into The Historic Centre of Macao. Therefore, they can be motivated to protect the Historic Centre. Besides, the researcher has empowered her teaching during this exploring process, and acquired the opportunity of self-reflection to enrich her professional knowledge of teaching.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究旨在透過創作性戲劇教學結合歷史教學的行動研究,建構出以澳門歷 史城區為主題的歷史課程。本研究的目是﹕(一)探討運用創作性戲劇教學結合 歷史教學的發展過程;(二)探討運用創作性戲劇教學結合歷史教學的困境與解 決之道;(三)探討運用創作性戲劇教學結合歷史教學實踐的成效。 研究者帶領三、四年級興趣班的學生共 20 人,進行為期二十八週的行動研 究,在過程中探究二十五處名列世界文化遺產的澳門歷史城區。研究獲得的結論 如下﹕ (一)創作性戲劇教學結合歷史教學是可行的,兩種看似不同領域的教學方法碰 撞起來,能提昇學生學習歷史的興趣,帶動學生學習歷史的積極性。課程內容以 澳門歷史城區為核心,透過兩種教學方法的結合,發展出一套適合本澳小學生的 歷史城區課程。本研究分成吸水期、發芽期,成長期和成果分享期四個發展階段, 以循序漸進的方式把戲劇教學方法引入歷史課程,加上戶外教學以增強學習效 果。學生在學習的歷程中能穿越過去,神入歷史,同時能走入古城歷史建築物, 親身見證歷史,感受歷史。 (二)發展歷史課程的過程中,有時會遭遇到困境,身為教師的研究者與學生共 同面對,一同走出困境,讓行動研究繼續進行。教師發展了戲劇與歷史教學的能 力,並與學生共同建立有效的班級規則;在過程中學生嘗試主動參與課程,積極 成為課堂學習的主導者,在研究者的協助下創作了以澳門歷史城區為題的劇本, 並藉着自編自導自演的過程加強對世遺的認知。 (三)學生學習歷史不再只局限於紙本上的範圍,他們可以透過戲劇與歷史的結 合,在歷史的基礎上進行「神入」,在真實的歷史場所中學習歷史,提昇對本澳 iv 歷史城區的認知,養成主動走入本澳歷史城區,主動探索古跡的情操,建立保護 歷史城區的想法。研究者在這過程中獲得教學的新力量,從研究過程中獲得省思 的機會,充實教學專業知識。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Drama in education -- Macau
應用於教育之戲劇 -- 澳門
Drama -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau
戲劇文學 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門
History -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau
歷史 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門
World Heritage areas -- Macau
世界遺產區域 -- 澳門
Cultural property -- Macau
文化遺產 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001201089706306