
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門基本法下授權立法可行性之初析 = The analysis of authorized legislation feasibility under the Macao Basic Law

English Abstract

Law no. 13/2009 “The Legal Regime of Stipulating Internal Norms” clearly defined the legal status and the range of adjustment of the law, the independent administrative regulations and the additional administrative regulations. It also solved the problem on the repeal and amendment of the decree after the handover of Macao. Under “The Legal Regime of Stipulating Internal Norms”, whenever significant interests such as fundamental rights, work freedom, crime, finance, taxation and urban planning, etc. are involved, shall be regulated by law. In order to meet the needs of social development, it is necessary to respond quickly to the demands of society, and set the appropriate legal norms and modify outdated regulations. It can see that the legislative workload is increasing. In order to enhance the speed of legislation and respond to the demands of the public. Therefore we can take the example of other countries as a reference, to establish the “Authorized Legislation” system. In this case, the legislature can authorized the administration to develop normative documents for specific matters¸to meet the needs of social development. This paper aims to try analyzing the feasibility of the authorized legislation system of Macao SAR. Based on the idea of Comparative Law, a comparison among the authorized legislation system of the other countries is made, and thereby studying the feasibility of establishing the authorized legislation system in Macao SAR. We wish to have to a precaution in times of peace. We could learn from the experience of other countries so as to conduct a bold and premonitory research for the development of the Macao SAR legal system.

Chinese Abstract

第 13/2009 號法律《關於訂定內部規範的法律制度》明確規定了法律、獨立 性行政法規及補充性行政法規的地位及所調整的範圍,亦解決了回歸後關於法令 的廢止及修改問題。 根據《關於訂定內部規範的法律制度》的規定,但凡涉及基本權利、工作自 由、犯罪、財政稅收及城市規劃等重大利益的事宜,均須由法律予以規範。為配 合社會發展的需要,有必要快速回應社會的訴求,訂定相應的法侓規範,並修改 不合時宜的法規,可見立法機關的立法工作日益繁重。為提升立法的速度,更好 地回應社會訴求,可仿傚其他國家或地區的做法,建立「授權立法」制度,讓行 政機關在獲得立法機關的授權下,有權限針對屬法律保留的特定事宜制定規範性 文件,以滿足社會發展的需要。 本文嘗試對澳門特區建立授權立法制度的可行性進行分析,並從比較法的角 度,對世界各國授權立法制度進行比較,藉此研究在澳門特區建立授權立法的可 行性。希望藉本次的研究,居安思危,吸取並借鑒其他國家的經驗,為澳門特區 的法制進展作大膽及前瞻性的研究。 關鍵字:授權立法、立法許可、立法法、法律保留

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Faculty of Law




Delegated legislation -- Macau

授權立法 -- 澳門



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