
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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P2P 網絡借貸的法律風險與規制 = Legal risk and regulation of P2P lending

English Abstract

P2P lending is a financing mode based on a specific inform diary, characterized by direct capital loans between the main equivalent subjects. P2P legal regulatory rules have not yet been enacted, once the risk occurs, both creditors and borrowers will suffer a huge loss, even society becomes unstable. This research is based on four different perspectives regarding on the platform types, the P2P lending legal relationships, risks and the regulations of P2P lending In terms of the risks of the entities that divide the P2P lending risks,there are lenders risks, borrowers risks and platform risks. For the risks abovementioned, there should be methods to circumvent, such as the credit system improving, the establishment of trading activity, the regulatory compliance and the risk supervisioncombined model, the establishment of industry associations and a security mechanism, third-party managed funds, strengthen publicity and investor education and other methods. Financial regulation of the Internet, will be taken seriously sometime in the future. A clear understanding of the function and the risk property of Internet finance is the foundation of the Internet financial supervision, adhering to prevent the thinking of "bottom line" in finance risks, to properly handle and promote the relationship between the Internet financial innovation and the financial services regulations, to make sure the substance of the Internet finance service I.E. the real economies and the stability of finance environment.

Chinese Abstract

P2P 網絡借貸是基於特定信息中介,以對等主體之間的直接資金借貸為特徵 的資金融通方式。P2P 的法律監管規則還尚未出臺,一旦出現風險,借貸雙方都 會蒙受巨大損失,甚至會造成社會的不穩定。本文將從網貸平臺類型、網絡借貸 涉及法律關係、網貸平臺的風險及網絡借貸的監管四方面綜合對網絡借貸進行研 究。 網貸平臺分為三種類型:單純中介型,複合型及公益型。本文將對三種類型 的網絡借貸平臺進行運營模式進行簡要介紹,根據其運營模式分析不同平臺所涉 及法律關係,包括借貸合同關係、服務合同關係、擔保合同關係、保險合同關係 及其他法律關係。通過分析上述法律關係起到為後文闡述網絡借貸的風險提供法 律支撐的作用。P2P 網絡借貸平臺倒閉、跑路的現象頻頻發生,在推進該行業健 康發展的過程中,必須明晰其監管規則及建立風險防控體系。按照主體承擔的風 險來劃分,網絡借貸過程中存在出借人面臨的風險、網絡平臺的風險和借款人可 能引起的風險。對於上述風險,可以通過完善徵信體系,建立交易活動合規監管 和風險監管相結合的模式,成立行業協會,建立擔保機制、第三方資金託管等方 法來規避。 對於互聯網金融的監管,在未來一段時間內將會被認真對待,清醒的認識互 聯網金融的金融功能和金融風險屬性是互聯網金融監管的基礎,堅持防範發生金 融風險的“底線思維”是基礎,正確處理推動與規範互聯網金融服務之間的關係, 保證互聯網金融服務實體經濟的本質,確保金融穩定才是核心。

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Faculty of Law




Microfinance -- China

微型金融; 小額信貸 -- 中國

Financial services industry -- Computer networks -- China

財金服務業 -- 電腦網絡 -- 中國



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