
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門典型行政合同之研究 = Research of typical administrative contract of Macao

English Abstract

Administrative Contract reflects the fusion of administrative and desirability which has the advantage of free consultations with the parties combining both administrative priority. So the application of Administrative Contract for handling complex, dynamic and unpredictable social problems, compared using the command obedience way is more flexible. Nowadays Administrative Contract has become a common and important administrative activity. The applicable range of Administrative Contract is quite broad. In the "Administrative Procedure Code" , it is summarized in six commonly used type of contract administration, forming a typical and atypical administrative contract, typical administrative contract high usage in practice. What is the significance of Typical Administrative Contract? This paper will conduct in-depth research system typical administrative contract. First, investigation of the sources of law typical administrative contract, and the typical administrative law which applicable to the contract shows that most of the content is mainly dedicated by special law norms combing characteristics typical administrative contract. There is no special law provisions only when the applicable provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law, Administrative Procedure Code are in the case of general provisions of regulations. In addition, the administrative contract is a special administrative instruments which combines administrative and desirability. It is a mixed system of public and private law, which determines the administrative contract not applicable only to the provisions of public law, also applicable Civil Law and rules. This paper will explore the rules of Civil Law applicable to the contract administrative theoretical foundation, as well as typical administrative contract scope of Civil Law. Secondly, the six typical administrative contracts on Administrative Procedure Code have their own unique characteristics enumerated herein and is similar to typical administrative contracts discrimination and distinction, the contract system and the relevant comparison. On the other hand, through the historical development of the gaming business model revealed the existence of gaming franchise contract. At the same article, it points out the influence of typical administrative law applicable to the contract and the problems and issues arising. This paper also made recommendations for improving. Finally, different variety of typical administrative system applicable to the contract typically use different types of administrative contracts which produce 5 different results. This paper analyzes the choice and discussion of the typical administrative contract through examples. In addition, rail transport will be reference to the operating mode of the neighboring regions and countries. The analysis of other methods of cooperation with the private pursuit of the public interest, for example, the Macau light rail construction, operation of the feasibility, including the establishment of public and private agencies and a joint venture company. In this paper, the typical administrative contract at Legal System analysis features a variety of typical administrative contracts, problems comparison and limitations applicable to the contract which appears, there are proposed ways to improve in order to straighten out the problem.

Chinese Abstract

行政合同體現了行政性和合意性的融合,其優勢在於雙方當事人自由協 商與行政優先權的有機結合,故應用行政合同以處理一些複雜、動態和難以 預見的社會問題,相比起採用命令服從的方式更顯靈活。今時今日行政合同 已成為行政當局一種常用及重要的行政活動方式,行政合同可適用的範圍相 當廣泛,在《行政程序法典》中歸納了六種常用的行政合同類型,形成典型 行政合同及非典型行政合同的分類,且典型行政合同在實踐中使用率極高, 究竟其意義何在?本文將對典型行政合同的制度進行深入研究。 首先,探討典型行政合同的法律淵源,且對典型行政合同適用的法律進 行梳理,典型行政合同的特徵就是大部分內容都由法律規定,有關合同主要 適用專門的特別法規範,當特別法没有規定時,才適用行政程序法典的規定, 行政程序法典中的規定屬一般性的規定。另外,行政合同是一種特殊的行政 管理手段,其結合了行政性和合意性,屬公私法混合的制度,其特性判定了 行政合同並不單一地僅適用公法的規定,而亦適用民法的規則,本文將探討 行政合同適用民法規則的理論基礎,以及典型行政合同適用民法的範圍。 其次,行政程序法典所列舉六類典型行政合同都有其獨有的特徵,本文 對於較為相似的典型行政合同進行辨析及區分,且對有關合同制度作出對比。 另一方面,透過博彩經營模式的歷史發展了解到博彩經營專營合同存在的原 因。同時本文指出了典型行政合同所適用的法律及合同在適用上存在的問題, 以及有關問題所帶來的影響,本文亦針對問題提出一點改善的建議。 最後,各類典型行政合同適用的制度不同,採用不同類型的典型行政合同會 產生不同的效果,本文將會透過實例分析論述行政當局對典型行政合同的選 擇。除此以外,亦會參考鄰近地區及國家之軌道運輸的營運模式,分析其他 與私人合作謀求公共利益的方法在澳門輕軌建設及營運之可行性,包括建立 公營機構及與私人合資組成公司。 本文透過對典型行政合同的法律制度進行研究,辨析各類典型行政合 同的特徵及進行比較,總結出有關合同在適用上出現的問題及局限性,並提 出改善方法以理順有關問題。

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Faculty of Law




Administrative law -- Macau

行政法 -- 澳門

Contracting out -- Macau

服務外包 -- 澳門



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