
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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司法考核的法律與政治考量 : 以中國大陸司法改革爲背景

English Abstract

The rule-based governance, dispute resolution and public trust compose the goals of the judicial system in mainland China on practical level, while the judicial performance evaluation system is built to objectively assess the judicial behavior for the purpose of the good operation of judicial process. The judicial performance evaluation system, as a procedural and subordinate part of judiciary status law, functions as an impartial and objective reference for the promotion and disciplinary punishment of the judges and the procurators. Therefore the feasible legal provisions of judicial performance evaluation should be improved under the constraint conditions including the purpose of judicial performance evaluation, the utility of the evaluation mechanism, and legal nature of the judicial performance evaluation system. Negative effect and ineffective result of the judicial performance evaluation could be avoided by reasonable objective setting and the concern of effectiveness of the evaluation mechanism form perspective of systematic relevance. The obvious contrast between actual judicial performance evaluation system and that what ought to be results form the invasion of policy rules into the legal provisions, while the political concern of the judicial performance evaluation should integrated into the legal rules in accordance to the value judgement of the legitimacy.

Chinese Abstract

在社會正義這一理想層面的價值之下,規則治理、糾紛解决和公衆信任是 中國大陸在實踐層面的司法目標,由是司法考核制度的目標在于通過客觀評估 司法行爲以保障司法職能的履行。司法考核制度是司法官身份法之一項過程 性、從屬性制度,其功能在于以司法官行爲的客觀評估,爲司法官晋升、懲戒 等提供符合公平原則的參考。以司法考核制度之目標、目標實現機制之效用原 理、司法考核制度的法律定位為約束條件,方可進行具可行性的規則之完善。 目標設定的合理性可以避免由于目標錯置導致的制度實施的無效和負效應;基 于制度關聯性的效用考量可以减少因制度衝突帶來的負效應,避免因關聯制度 條件不具備而造成的效用落空。司法考核制度實然與應然的反差,原因在于政 策規則對法律規範的侵入,應當基於正當性價值判斷將政治考量納入法律規 範,以法律規範吸收政策規則。

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Faculty of Law




Justice, Administration of -- China

司法行政 -- 中國

China -- Politics and government

中國 -- 政治及政府

Law reform -- China

法律改革 -- 中國



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