
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門醫療的形成, 發展與 "近代化" : 1557-1900

English Abstract

This paper aims to explore the modernization of Macau medical history during 16th to 19th centuries, through discussing the transformation of Macau medicine, in terms of its conception, research, entire medical system, Chinese medicine and so on. Generally speaking, Macau medical history could be divided into three stages. Firstly, from 1557 to the beginning of 18th century, Macau medical career was built by Catholics, who built the medical institutions, including the “charitable” Poor Hospital, “therapeutic” Clinic of Saint Paul’s college and so on. Secondly, from the 18th to the middle of 19th centuries, Macau medical career has gone into the “dereligion” modernization stage. The “Government Doctor System” was carried out during this period. All the medical issues were getting out of “Theology” and going to “Secularization”. Thirdly, during the second half of 19th century, Portugal government had intervened into social administration of Macau, pushed Macau medical career into deep “Modernization” time. Since then, an efficient Macau medical system had been built during this period. Furthermore, the Chinese medicine which was contained into the colonial rule and the building of public health during the second-half of 19th century were also discussed in this Research.

Chinese Abstract

本論文主要從醫療觀念、醫學研究、醫療機構、醫療制度、藥品市場以及 華人醫療等角度,討論 16 至 19 世紀澳門醫療事業的“近代化”過程及“殖民”特 點。總的來說,16 至 19 世紀澳門醫療事業發展可以分為三個階段,第一階 段,澳門開埠至 18 世紀初,澳門醫療在天主教勢力的推動下逐步形成,出現 了慈善性質的貧民醫院及聖保祿學院藥房等具備醫療性的機構;第二階段 18 世紀初至 19 世紀中葉,澳門醫療事業進入“去宗教化”階段,以“政府醫生”制度 的形成與發展為主線,醫療思想和藥物市場的變化為輔。第三階段即 19 世紀 下半葉,在殖民統治的背景下,葡萄牙政府積極干預澳門醫療事業,推動澳門 醫療的“近代化”進一步深化,澳門的醫院、藥房、醫療從業人員等方面迅速發 展,形成了完整有效的醫療體系。除此以外,本文還對 19 世紀下半葉被納入 殖民統治的華人醫療狀況以及社會的公共衛生發展作出深入探討。

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of History (affiliated to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences before; affiliated to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities currently)



Medical policy -- Macau -- History

醫藥政策 -- 澳門 -- 歷史

Medical care -- Macau -- History

醫護保健; 醫護保健業 -- 澳門 -- 歷史



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