
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

This study adopts the“Holistic-Content"analysis (Lieblich et al., 1998) in narrative research with the aim to examine the relationship between Macao Lesbians'career construction and their career development. This study utilizes the Career Construction Theory (Savickas, 2011) to explore the career stories of research participants, and how does career theme influence their career development. In addition, this study also aims to discuss the impact of socio-cultural context towards their career development, as well as the expectations and visions on their future career development by re-telling their career stories. Two lesbian workers with strong identification of their own sexual orientation were invited to participate in this study. The research findings go as follows: 1. Career themes help to set them free from the destiny and enhance their self-concept and homosexual identity formation. Moreover, the identification of role models helps them to develop the construct of career adaptability in workplace. Last but not least, they are deeply inspired by the life experience of role models, in which it enhances their career motivation. 2. The socio-cultural contexts that influencing their career development are Lesbian-unfriendly workplace and the confronter of pluralistic family by Chinese society. 3. With the re-telling of career stories, they have settled down themselves in conservative society and regain the agency of their career development.With their own experience, they want to prove that lesbian can shine in workplace and contribute to the society. They also hope that the stigma against the lesbians could be eliminated. Keywords: Lesbian, Career Construction, Career Theme, Narrative Research

Chinese Abstract

本研究採用以 Lieblich 等人(1998)提出的敘事研究法中之「整體—內容」分析法,理解澳門女同志的生涯建構與其生涯發展的關係。研究者利用生涯建構理論 (Savickas, 2011) 的觀點來探索研究參與者的敘說生涯故事,了解生涯主題如何影響她們的生涯發展,探討社會文化脈絡對其生涯發展的影響,最後經過重新敘說故事後,理解她們對於未來生涯發展的期待和看法。 本研究的參與者為兩位認同並確立自己性取向的在職女同志。研究結果發現: 一、生涯主題把研究參與者從命運解放出來,讓她們形成清晰的自我認同與性別認同。而對角色楷模的認同有助於建構職場的生涯調適力,角色榜樣的生涯經歷深深啟發她們的生涯原動力。 二、影響研究參與者的生涯發展之社會文化脈絡共有兩個,包括同志在職場上不被接納,影響同儕關係,以及華人社會較抗拒多元家庭。 三、在重新敘說故事後,研究參與者在保守的社會風氣下找到了立足的地方,漸漸取回生涯發展的主導權,並期望能夠以自己的親身經歷,向社會証明同志也可以在職場上發光發亮,為社會作出貢獻,消除主流社會對同志污名的情 況。 關鍵詞: 女同志、生涯建構、生涯主題、敘事研究

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Faculty of Education




Lesbians -- Macau

女同性戀者 -- 澳門

Homosexuality -- Macau

同性戀 -- 澳門

Career development -- Macau

事業發展 -- 澳門



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