
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Objective: Hypoxic training has been used to improve aerobic capacity in endurance athletes. Available researches have revealed that high-intensity interval training, a time-efficient strategy, could improve exercise capacity in recent years. The aim of this study was to examine whether short-term hypoxic high-intensity interval training (HHIT) was better to improve the aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacity than moderate-intensity continuous training (MCT) and normoxic high-intensity interval training (NHIT) in overweight females. Methodology: 43 overweight female college students (20.6±2.5 years, BMI 25.9±2.2 kg/m2 ) from plain regions without regular exercise were recruited and randomly divided into HHIT group, NHIT group and MCT group, for 5-week training intervention Participants of HHIT and HIT undergone all-out cycling exercise with sec interspersed with sec of rest for four times a week respectively simulated to m or normoxic M T group performed continuous cycling at 2max to 2max for min day days week in nomoxia efore and after the intervention normoxic 2max and ventilator anaerobic threshold (VAT) examined during graded exercise testing were used to assessed aerobic capacity, while anaerobic power [Peak power (PP), PP/kg, Average power (AP), AP/kg, Power decrease rate (PD)] during 8/12s cycling were measured at normoxia to evaluate anaerobic capacaty. vii Blood lactate was sampled in 0, 10, 15, 20min during 8-12s training and 5,10min after training. Exercise intensity was recorded and SaO2, RPE and heart rate were monitored during exercise intervention. Results: ompared to pre-test 2max at post-test improved in HHIT (29.86 ±21.39%,p < .001), NHIT (21.83±10.39%,p < .001) and MCT (18.56±16.75%,p < .05) respectively. After the intention, VAT significantly improved only in HHIT (10.86%, p=0.008) when compared to NHIT (9.04%, p = .095) and MCT (7.67%, p = .059). PP, PP/kg, AP/kg had no significant changes in all of the three groups, however AP and PD improved significantly only in MCT(p < .05). HIIT and NHIT resulted in statistical significant reduction in Bla compared with the values before intervention at pt5 min(HHIT, -45.85%, p < .01 vs NHIT, -26.90%, p < .01), and pt10 min(HHIT, -44.07%, p < .01), and HIIT caused more decreases than NHIT . Conclusion: Short-term hypoxic and normoxic HIT cause more improvements in exercise capacity than moderate-intensity continuous training. Hypoxic HIT seems to offer additional improvement in performance when compared with normoxic HIT.

Chinese Abstract

研究目的:通過對無規律運動肥胖女大學生 5 週低氧高強度間歇訓練(HHIT)、 常氧高強度間歇訓練(NHIT)及常氧中等強度持續耐力訓練(MCT)運動幹預 前後有氧、無氧運動能力變化的對比,旨在探討短期低氧高強度間歇運動提高運 動能力的效果是否比常氧高強度間歇訓練及持續耐力訓練效果更佳,以期為普羅 大眾提供省時且有效的提高運動能力的健身方式。 研究方法:受試者為自願參加本研究的 43 名肥胖女大學生(年齡:20.6±2.5 歲, BMI:25.9±2.2 公斤/米 2 ),無規律運動習慣。將受試者隨機分為高強度低氧(HHIT)、 高強度常氧(NHIT)和耐力(MCT)三組進行運動幹預。HHIT 和 NHIT 組進行 全力衝刺 8 秒、休息 12 秒、共 60 組的高強度間歇訓練,耐力組進行 40 分鐘強 度為 60-80% 最大攝氧量( 2max)的持續耐力訓練。每週訓練 4 天,共訓練 5 週。HHIT 組在海拔高度為 2500 米的常壓低氧環境中訓練,NHIT 及 MCT 組在常 氧環境下訓練。運動幹預前後採用遞增負荷試驗測試 2max 和通氣無氧閾 (VAT),通過測試 8 /12 秒高強度間運動過程中的最大功率(PP)、相對最大功率 (PP/kg)、平均功率(AP)、相對平均功率(AP/kg)、功率遞減率(PD)來檢 測無氧運動能力的變化。HHIT 和 NHIT 組第 1 次及第 20 次訓練時,於運動過程 中 0、10、15、20 分鐘及運動後 5、10 分鐘採集血樣測試血乳酸值。使用血氧飽 和度、RPE 和心率來監控訓練及測試過程中的運動強度。 v 研究結果:1)幹預訓練前後相比,三組的最大攝氧量分別提高了:HHIT 29.86± 21.39%(p < .001),NHIT 21.83±10.39%(p < .001)、MCT 18.56±16.75%(p < .05)。低氧 高強度間歇組通氣無氧閾顯著提高(20.46%, p = 0.001),其他兩組無顯著變化 (NHIT:9.04%,p = .095;MCT:7.67%,p = .059)。2)三組的PP、PP/kg、AP/kg 均無顯著性變化,只有MCT(p < .05)的AP、PD 顯著提高。HHIT及NHIT組運 動後5分鐘(HHIT:-45.85%,p < .01;NHIT:-26.90%,p < .01)、運動後10分鐘 (HHIT:-44.07%,p < .05;NHIT:-26.39%,p < .01)的血乳酸值均顯著下降, 且HHIT組血乳酸下降幅度比NHIT組大。 研究結論:與耐力運動相比,短期低氧和常氧高強度間歇訓練提高運動能力的效 果更顯著;與常氧高強度間歇訓練相比,低氧高強度間歇訓練提高運動能力的效 果更佳。 關鍵字:高強度間歇運動,低氧訓練,運動能力

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Faculty of Education




Exercise -- Physiological aspects

體育鍛鍊 -- 生理方面

Physical education for college students


Exercise for women




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