
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The initiative of the law of ―System Framework for Private School Teaching Staff of Non-tertiary Education‖ is an important milestone for the career development of teachers in Macao. The Framework attempts to promote professional development of teachers and strengthen their sense of job security. It is hoped that eventually this initiative will help enhance the quality of education in Macao schools. As what is suggested in literature, educational change is a process and not an event. The success of an educational change depends on a great extent on the degree of concern and awareness of administration and practitioners in schools. The understanding of these extents of concern and awareness will also help inform how the obstacles to change could be removed effectively. The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of teachers in Macao about the change. The subjects of this study came from 320 primary and secondary teachers. The questionnaire on concern and awareness was followed up by interviews to examine how the initiative was implemented and what were the difficutlties in the implemention process. Overall, there are four key findings. First, the teachers showed a high degree of concern on the new career structure. Second, there were significant differences among teachers in terms of various background variables. Third, there was a lack of awareness of the change programme among teachers, which had adverse impact on the implementation effectiveness. Fourth, some implementation obstacles were identified. Key words: Macao, Non-tertiary Education, Private School, Teaching Staff, Career structure, Educational change, Stages of concern

Chinese Abstract

《澳門非高等教育私立學校教學人員制度框架》作為教學人員職級制度改 革的里程碑,本著提升專業素質和加強職業保障的原則,目的在於建立一支優 秀的教學人員隊伍,並提升非高等教育的素質。職級制度提供了教學人員構建 生涯規劃的平台,其實施將會對澳門非高等教育的師資素質和教育質量提升有 巨大的推動作用。學校的「高關注」和「較好的認知」情況將有助於職級制度 變革的成功推行和落實,並且將有助糾正、補足政策推行中的落差。 本研究通過分層抽樣的方法抽取 320 位澳門私立中小學教學人員進行問卷 調查,目的是通過問卷調查瞭解澳門私立中小學教學人員對職級制度的變革的 關注情況,實際有效樣本為 279 位,問卷回收率 87.2%。並且對不同背景的教 師和校長進行訪談,瞭解教師與學校對職級制度的變革方案的認知情況和變革 實施過程中的困難。 研究發現有四:教學人員對職級制度變革有較高的關注;不同背景變項的 教學人員在關注階層存在差異;教學人員對職級制度方案的認知不足,有礙變 革的落實;學校在變革推行的過程中,仍存在需要改善及支援的空間。針對研 究結果,最後本研究亦就順利落實職級制度提出建議。 關鍵字:澳門 非高等教育 私立學校 教學人員 職級制度 教育變革 關注階段

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Faculty of Education




Teachers -- Macau

教師 -- 澳門

Career development -- Macau

事業發展 -- 澳門

Private schools -- Macau

私立學校 -- 澳門



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