
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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跨文化長流 : 一位內地移民教師在澳門的個人實踐知識之敘事探究

English Abstract

This study adopted the method of narrative inquiry to investigate the cross-cultural experience of a mainland immigrant teacher in Macau who worked as a teacher in school. The main purpose of this study is to explore the influence of her early life experience, cross-cultural experience and teaching experience on her formation of personal practical knowledge, furthermore, to explore a cross-cultural experience in shaping her practical knowledge in order to shed light on the area of formation of teacher’s practical knowledge. This research collected a large amount of data through in-depth interviews, participant-observation and journal entries done by researcher and the informant. The main findings are as follows: First, the mainland immigrant teacher's early life experience will affect the formation of teachers' practical knowledge in the followings: 1. Experience in her upbringing has impacts on the formation of the informant’s professional belief to be a teacher; 2. Experience from her learning has impacts on development of the informant’s professional attitude towards students, namely passionate and caring; 3. Previous cross-cultural experience has influence on the informant’s attitude towards professional learning. Second, the mainland immigrant teacher's cross-cultural adaptation experience will affect the one’s practical knowledge in the followings: 1. Through the goal of acquiring the local dialect to develop self understanding in order to be better prepare for future teaching career; 2. Re-searching beliefs and values upon her arrival in Macau in order to effects changes in her teaching; 3. Participating actively in social networks in order to adapt to the cross-cultural new environment in order to incorporate to her teaching work. Third, the formation of practical knowledge of the informant was influenced by her early life experience and cross-cultural adaptation experience which was reflected by her belief, self-knowledge, interpersonal knowledge, and teaching concept. iv 1. The formation of teacher’s belief: establishing the will and faith for the education position by pursuing the dream of yearning, going through a heavy blow, and picking up the experience. 2. The formation of teacher’s self-knowledge: developing self understanding and positioning herself in the cross-cultural setting. 3. The formation of teacher’s interpersonal knowledge: acknowledge and embracing differences of values between the mainland and Macau; 4. The Innovation and change for the teaching concept: internalizing cultural differences and translating into new kinds of teaching strategies.

Chinese Abstract

本研究採用敘事探究方法,以一位內地移民澳門後參與教育工作之人士作為 研究伙伴,在跨文化語境下重點在於對經驗的探究,旨在探討其早期經歷、來澳 後的跨文化適應經歷及參與教學工作後的經歷個人教師實踐知識生成與變化的 影響,進而做出跨文化反思,探討其個人教師實踐知識中的跨文化經驗。 本研究通過對研究伙伴採用深入訪談與觀察的方式,蒐集了大量資料,包括 研究伙伴對其個人早期經驗、來澳後的跨文化適應經驗及參與教育工作後的經驗 的豐富資料,其中不乏其對自身跨文化經驗的反思與討論。經過對研究資料的分 析與討論,獲得以下結論: 一、內地移民澳門之教師的早期經驗會影響後來教師實踐知識的生成 1. 成長經歷中,對專業教師的渴求,立志做專業教師; 2. 求學經歷中,教師對自身的關愛態度影響其對學生的態度; 3. 受華僑文化的影響,埋下對專業知識渴求的種子 二、內地來澳門之移民教師的跨文化適應經驗會影響後來教師實踐知識的生成 1. 從語言學習中尋求目標,主動認識自我,為之後的教師工作做好基本準 備; 2. 找回當初來澳時的信念,形成自己的價值觀念,即可以通過教育學生實 現自己的夢想與價值,間接地影響到她的教育信念; 3. 參與社會網絡實踐,積極尋求本文化與異文化的融合點令其反思可以將 這種想法運用到學校教育中,繼而也形成了自己的教育意志與理念。 三、內地來澳門之移民教師參與教育的實踐知識中會深受早期經驗、跨文化適應 經驗的影響,分別表現在教師信念、教師自我認識、教師人際知識、教學理念方 面 1. 教師信念的生成:經歷了對夢想追求的嚮往、遭受打擊、重新拾起的經 驗,從而堅定對教育工作的意志與信念; 2. 教師自我認識的生成:在跨文化適應的經驗中,正確認識到自己發展的 著力點在哪裡,最終發掘自己在教育工作上的適合; 3. 教師人際知識的生成:依照自己內地所受教育及成長經歷的價值觀下感 ii 知內地與澳門的文化價值觀差異,從中形成正確引導學生的教育態度; 4. 教學理念的創新與變化:跨文化的經驗令其樂觀地看待文化中的差異, 並嘗試將其轉化為創新的教學理念,有利於多元文化的發展。 關鍵詞:跨文化適應;教師個人實踐知識;敘事探究;反思

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Faculty of Education




Teachers -- Macau -- Case studies

教師 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Teachers -- Training of -- Macau -- Case studies

教師 -- 職業培訓 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Teaching -- Macau -- Case studies

教學 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究



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