UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
課程領導模式的轉變, 教師自主性, 幼兒教育課程變革 : 澳門幼稚園個案研究
- English Abstract
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The purpose of this paper was to study how to implement the early childhood curriculum changes under changing curriculum leadership for enhancing teachers’ autonomy and childern’s active learning. As an action researcher, the kindergarten leader employed action research and other qualitative research methods including observation, interviews, diaries, questionnaires, and documents to study a case in Macau. Problems found entail four perspectives: leadership, curriculum, personnel, and parents. The solving strategies include changing curriculum leadership model, reforming curriculum model and constructing team collaboration climate. Results are the following: (A) Some strategies are found to be effective to implement changing curriculum leadership under the curriculum reform are followings: (a) rectification on kindergarten leadership and management mechanism; (b) improvement in teaching resources and environment; (c) application of high scope curriculum for active learning; (d) teachers’ collaboration under the changing curriculum leadership; (e) professional development for teachers; (f) parents-children activities inciting more participation in parenting. (B) Under changing curriculum leadership, the more autonomy the teachers and the students have, the better students perform. (C) There is no positive causal relationship between democratic principal leadership and teachers’ autonomy but democratic principal leadership definitely raises up the teachers’ autonomy.
- Chinese Abstract
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本論文旨在探討澳門一所幼稚園,如何在改變的課程領導模式下實施幼兒教育課程 變革、提昇教師與幼兒自主性。研究透過園長親身入園,採用行動研究工具,以觀察、 訪談、扎記、問卷、校本檔案等質性方法,發現個案幼稚園的問題包括有:「領導」、 「課程」、「人事」、「家長」四方面,當中涉及教材、教具、教師特質與資歷。解決 策略包括改變領導模式、革新課程模式、構建團隊協作氛圍。 研究結論如下所示: 一、改變課程領導在課程變革中的實施及有效策略為:(1)重整學校領導與管理機制;(2) 優化教學環境及教學資源;(3)以高瞻課程提升學生自主學習;(4)改變課程領導下, 教師協同教學;(5)提供教師專業發展機會;(6)家校活動誘發家長更多參與子女培 育。 二、改變課程領導下,教師與幼兒的自主性越高,幼兒在幼稚園的表現越佳。 三、民主校長領導風格與教師的自主性屬非必然關係,但是校長的民主領導風格一定能 提高教師的自主性。 關鍵字:課程領導、課程變革、高瞻課程、自主學習
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Curriculum change -- Macau -- Case studies
課程改革 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
Kindergarten -- Curricula -- Macau
幼稚園 -- 課程 -- 澳門
Curriculum planning -- Macau -- Case studies
課程規劃 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000706339706306