
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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教科書評價標準 : 高中生物教師的觀點

English Abstract

This paper aimed to explore that high school biology teachers’ perspectives on the evaluation criteria for biology textbook in China. A nonstructured questionnaire method was employed and forty-five biology teachers participated in this study. Based on ‘teaching’ and ‘student learning’ to design two questions, one is to what three most important evaluation criteria by teachers and the other is to explore the degree to which biology textbook (PEP version) adapt to the criteria. Data were coded and analyzed by grounded theory. Results were presented as follows: the criteria that evaluated biology textbook by high school biology teachers from three dimensions, namely ‘student development’, ‘content selection and organization’ and ‘teaching’. The most important evaluation criteria focused on the first two dimensions. Three major criteria were presented by teachers as follows: (a) the content should highlight the features, such as modernity, classical and authority; (b) textbook should pay attention to knowledge in connection with life so as to cultivate students’ interest in biology; (c) textbook should develop students all kind of abilities, especially independent learning ability and experiment exploration ability. Based on the students’ development and needs, teachers analyzed and evaluated the textbook from a new dimension. It broke through traditional evaluation simply around the content and structure of textbook. Finally, the implications of findings and the suggestions for further studies were discussed in the last section of this paper.

Chinese Abstract

本文旨在了解中國高中生物教師對教科書評價標準的觀點。文章採用 非結構式問卷調查法,從「教師教學」和「學生學習」的角度設計問題, 讓教師敘述其認為評價教科書最重要的三個標準,並將每一項標準對應人 教版生物實驗教科書的實際情況做出相應的說明,有 45 位高中生物教師 作為研究參與者。資料處理按照紮根理論的三級編碼對資料進行逐級登錄。 經分析,教師從「學生發展」、「知識內容的選擇及設計」和「教師 教學」三個方面評價教科書,評價標準主要集中在前兩個方面。經分析, 教師認為評價教科書最重要的三個標準為:(1)教科書知識內容的選擇 要突出其時代性、經典性、權威性等特性;(2)教科書知識內容應加強 與學生生活的聯繫,培養學生對生物學的興趣;( 3)教科書應有利於學 生各方面能力的培養,尤其是自主學習能力和科學探究能力。教師評價教 突破了傳統單純地圍繞教科書本體內容和結構去分析和評價,提出了教科 書評價的新角度——學生,根據學生發展和需求去評價教科書的優劣。最 後,對研究過程中的發現啟示和未來研究的建議在文末部分予以了相關討 論。 關鍵詞:教科書;評價標準;高中生物教師

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Faculty of Education




Textbooks -- China -- Evaluation

教科書 -- 中國 -- 評價



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