
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門幼稚園主管領導力生命敘事研究 : 以澳門一所私立幼稚園為例

English Abstract

The purpose of this article is to discuss the leadership of principal of kindergarten in Macau. Zi Yan Kindergarten is one of the best kindergartens in Macao. Parents and staffs in kindergarten all give good comments to the principal “NuanNuan”.Zi Yan has such a reputation,which is inseparable from the leadership of NuanNuan. The life story of leadership of NuanNuan is worth to discuss. This study utilizing Narrative Research method of Qualitative Research method. Firstly, collecting and analyzing various literatures related to kindergarten leadership,using Depth Interviews to get research data of NuanNuan’s life story. Based on the time axis,summarize the overall context of the narrative events: from being kindergarten teacher,kindergarten director assistant and the principal of Ziyan. Using Holistic And Catagorial analysis method of Narrative method(Lieblich,1998)to analyze leadership. Such as leader’s characteristics、leader’s group construction ability、 transformational and innovational leadership and the ability to resolve conflicts. To increase the credibility and validity,the researcher had used personal details、 triangulation and explanation of researcher stance as tools. The analysis about the life story of NuanNuan is as follows: 1.The professional career as a teacher: NuanNuan stick to dreams,and respect for elder,she is good at meditating,and try to reform. 2. The professional career as principal assistant: She brave to speak out and try、 always ready for helping others. She tolerate the misunderstandings. 3. The professional career as a principal: She achieved forming a new method of teaching,and overcome a lot of difficulties,she solved the conflicts between the parents of the students and the school. VII Personal-Perception and analysis: She knew how to accept the misunderstanding and toletrate the pressure. She could undertake the responsibilities bravely,and built the group with coagulative power. Finally the leadership of NuanNuan principal is summarized as follows: 1. She is very active and extroverted,whose emotion is very stable.She prefer to meet the challenges.Meanwhile she is very friendly and responsible to her job.The above personalities shows her leadership well. 2. She has firm beliefs,like to study and has rich working experience,which presents her glamour to her staffs and could inspire other people. 3. She is good at programming the targets and plans for her team,and she could distribute the resources reasonably. She could provide some help when her team is in trouble,thus improving her team’s cohesion. 4. She tried to solve the current plight based on the acknowledgement for the problems about the education.And she reformed the model for the education bravely.She kept on going for this innovation.,which brought about a big step for kindergarten. 5. When she met the various conflicts in the kindergarten,she could analyze the reasons for the different conflicts and find the corresponding solution to defuse the conflicts,which makes the kindergarten develop more harmoniously. Key Words : The principal of the kindergarten,Leadership,Narrative research method

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探讨一位幼稚園主管的領導力。紫岩幼稚園是澳門幼兒教育的領 跑者,家長和團隊人員對主管暖暖均有良好評價。幼稚園擁有良好的口碑離不 開暖暖主管的領導,其背後的生命故事值得探討與研究。本研究採用質性研究 之敘事研究法,先對大量幼稚園領導力的文獻進收集分析,並對暖暖主任進行 深度訪談獲到研究數據。研究分析以暖暖從幼稚園教師歷程、主管助理歷程到 幼稚園主管歷程的時間軸線為概括整體事件的敘事脈絡,致力於呈現受訪者領 導力相關的工作與生命歷程。應用 Lieblich(1998)整體與內容分析方法對暖暖 的領導力進行分析,從領導的人格特質、感召力、團隊建設能力、變革創新能 力及矛盾衝突化解能力。並以撰寫個人札記、澄清研究者立場、同儕檢證、和 研究檢核函來提高本研究信效度。 分析暖暖主管工作歷程的重要事件,分別從領導力的內涵,梳理出可體現該能 力的事件,分別如下: 1.教師經歷時期:堅持理想,尊師重道,勤於思考,立志改革。 2.主管助理時期:敢說敢做,熱心幫助他人,克服難點,忍受誤解。 3.主管時期:龐大的工作量,落實改革教學方法、克服重重困難,解決家 長學校矛盾事件。 最後得出暖暖主任的領導力如下: 1. 她活潑外向、願意接受挑戰、友善隨和、認真負責等特質,是其領導力 明顯的展現。 2. 她有堅定的信念、及好學的精神與豐富的工作經驗,使其展現領導人的 個人魅力,對他人具有感召能力。 3. 她善於規劃團隊的目標及計劃,並且能合理分配資源,提供團隊適時的 支援,凝聚團隊的向心力。 V 4. 她洞悉教育的問題,並致力解決現有的困境,大膽勇敢率先創新教學模 式,且堅持不懈,此變革創新的能力,使幼稚園更邁前進步。 5. .她對於園內發生的各項矛盾衝突,能分析衝突的原因,並尋找因應的對 策,化解彼此的矛盾與衝突,使其幼稚園能更和諧的發展。

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Faculty of Education




Educational leadership -- Macau

教育領導 -- 澳門

Language awareness in children




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