
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Taiwan's Biotech industry is the government's key support industry representatives, hoping to be able to use biotech drug development for Taiwan out of the foundry's situation. Health food is a popular Taiwanese contemporary industry trends, but also the emerging biotech research companies and food industry easily into the threshold. Due to the aging population, TCM ancient prescription and the controversy food safety issues recently make health food got more attention from the consumers. In this study we use registration, market and vendors three parts to describe Taiwan's biotech industry change and innovation of the basis of health foods in Taiwan, and then through three Biotech Pharmaceutical Companies: Phytohealth, Chuang Song Zong and MicroBio to understand Taiwanese biotech pharmaceutical growth process. During the data collection, using qualitative research in "secondary data research methods", collect from the Internet, journals, news reports, books and library to required information coupled with the integration, analysis, makes a unique research database belong to this research. In the research finding we use quantity of audit, different regulatory review, marketing, effectiveness and composition five different way to analysis our description of the situation as a whole registered, we also use Taiwan's three biotech pharmaceutical company as main support discussion point in this study, then explore the relevant laws and regulations of Taiwan's health food. In addition, the last paragraph we discuss in conjunction with the development of Traditional Chinese medicine between Taiwan and mainland, particularly in the context of traditional Chinese medicine ancient prescriptions and modern science verification research and development mode, to contribute to innovation in traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese Abstract

生物科技產業是台灣政府重點扶植的產業代表,冀望能運用生技新藥研發讓台 灣走出代工的局面。而健康食品(Health Supplement)是為台灣當代產業流行的趨勢, 也是新興生技研發公司以及食品業容易跨入的門檻,又因人口高齡化、自古流傳中 草藥古方以及近年來風波不斷的食品安全問題,讓健康食品在消費者心中越來越受 到重視。 本研究運用健康食品的註冊、市場、廠商三個層面對台灣的生技產業轉變以及 創新做一基礎的描述,再透過三家製藥廠懷特新藥、莊松榮製藥以及中天生技來了 解台灣本土生技製藥廠的成長過程,如何從一開始目標製藥到後來加入了健康事業, 拓展到亞洲市場甚至是國際。研究資料蒐集過程中,運用質性研究中的「次級資料 研究法」,從網路、期刊雜誌、新聞報導以及圖書等各種資料庫中蒐集所需的資料 再加以整合、分析,建立屬於本研究的獨特資料庫。健康食品研究發現的部份我們 以審核件數、市場、不同法規審核通過的件數、功效與成分等五方面來分析作為整 體註冊情況的描述,又以台灣三家生技製藥廠作為支撐本研究的主要論點,再探討 台灣健康食品的相關法規。註冊方面我們發現受到食品安全風暴的影響,近五年來 的健康食品審核有趨於減緩的趨勢,2010 年時甚至比前幾年還要下降了 10 多件的 申請認證;在市場方面,健康食品管理法施行後,保健食品的市場規模年年增加; 在法規面,兩個審核機制每年通過平均件數也增加,而在功效與成份上,受到人口 高齡化的影響,調節血脂功能是申請最多的健康食品。個案研究中,三家生技製藥 公司在新藥研發、科學驗證以及產學合作上有其相似之處,但是在進入國際市場的 部分,懷特新藥因取得多項美國食品藥物管理局(US FDA)核准執行的植物新藥藥 證較多,比中天生技以及莊松榮製藥更易打進國際市場。 此外,末段討論結合台灣與內地的醫藥發展,尤其是結合中藥古方經驗以及現 代科學驗證的研發模式,對中醫藥的創新有所貢獻。 關鍵字:台灣、審核、生物科技、健康食品

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Dietary supplements -- Taiwan

膳食營養補充品 -- 台灣

Functional foods -- Taiwan

保健食物 -- 台灣



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