
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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從藥品到食品 : 中藥保健食品部門在中國的演進

English Abstract

Chinese Medicine is used in China for many thousand years. Chinese Medicine not only have the therapeutic function but also have health function, beside of this, people trust the Chinese medicine is safer than western drugs. As a result, Chinese Medicine becomes popular in China. In recent years, companies sales the Chinese medicine not only in the name of “drugs” but also “health food”. On the other hand, the concept of “health promotion” and “preventing diseases” are spread. As a result, the Chinese Medicine health food industry grows rapidly. On the other way, although the developing of CMHF in China are discussed, there are a few papers to investigate the changing and innovation of CMHF industry. Therefore, the thesis try to discussed around the CMHF industry and its evolution in China. This research tries to used the System of Sectorial Innovation (SSI), which is one of the popular innovation system in recent years, as a theoretical framework in order to find out how CMHF industry develop in China, what are the factors affect the CMHF industry growth and the relationship between the factors, and trying to peer the way of developing in future. The analytic data are found in relative thesis, papers, books, government policies, government statistic and industries website. After the data analyzing, the relation of all the factors are preformed in the discussion, I found that the policy factors in China master the innovation of CMHF industry. The complex relationship between other factors such as demands, knowledge and technology and actors are also explained in the research too. The barriers of innovation such as the preferential policy to the giant companies, the high similarity of CMHF product in market and the numbers of illegal advertisements are also found in the research, and these problems may relate to the companies action: the obedience of the government regulation and the unhealthy competition. Although the research is simple, the results can provide another angle to the readers. This paper can be a good reference while researchers want to invest the CMHF industry in the future.

Chinese Abstract

在中國,中藥被使用的歷史已有數千年,而中藥其中一個特別之處,就是除了藥 用功效之外,其還有保健養生的功效^亦因中藥亦普遍認為比西藥較為安全, 這亦令到中國人對中藥非常信賴。中藥產業的發展在中國可請非常逄勃,而近 年,健康促進及疾病預防的概念可請大行其道,因此,吸引很多中國企業把中藥 加工並以“中藥保健食品”的名義出售。中藥保健食品產業亦因而慢慢變為一個 龐大且重要的產黑另外,雖然近年對中國中藥保健食品產業的發展亦有所研究 不同的學者亦對產業給出不同的意見及看法,但是,對於中國中藥保健食品產業 的改革創新,以及對其發展間因素間的關係分析,因此,本文想沿著這個研究方向,討論固中因由。而在眾多的改革創新模型中,本文選用了部門創新系統(SSI)作為文章的 理論框架,嘗試籍建立SSI模型,探討中國中藥保健食品產業的發展,存在何種 因素影響產業的改革創新及因素間的相互關係,並籍模型窺探在產業中一些根本 問題發生的原因及中國中藥保健食品產業未來的發展。本次研究的數據來自相關的論文及文章、書籍、中國政府公佈的政策及統計 資料及一些企業公佈的網上資料。經再進一步研究分析後,本文發現中國政府相 關的政策及調控,對產業的影響最大,而其餘因素之間的複雑的關係亦已於文中 分析及得出結論^在本次研究中,亦發現在中國中藥保健食品的改革創新道路上 存在着不少問題,包括政策有意無意的傾向大型企業,產品在市場上的同質化問 題,以及非法廣告行為壓而不止等,原因可能與企業對政府政策的遵守性及它們 之間的不良競爭有關。這些負面的因素現在亦慢慢阻礙着產業的健康發展。雖然本次的研究比較簡單,但是研究的結果能給予讀者從另一個角度,探究 中國的中藥保健食品產業的改革創新,對於未來相關產的研究,本文可以作為 其中一個參考。關鍵字:中國;中藥;保健食品;部門創新系統;

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Functional foods -- China

保健食物 -- 中國

Food industry and trade -- China

食品業 -- 中國



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