
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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A review of micro-level studies on shoplifting : implications for Macao

English Abstract

Since Macao became one of the World Heritage Sites, it attracts many travelers to come for sightseeing. Behind our rapid economic growth, the crime rate in Macao also shows an increasing trend. For instance, shoplifting is an example to illustrate this phenomenon. Everyday a hundred thousand of visitors go to the popular tourist spots such as shopping malls and Heritage site will easily become a greenhouse for the growth of this particular type of crime. This paper is a review of research on shoplifting and the typology of shoplifting, many classical or representative research publications are included in it and the time period that those literature reviews cover were from about the past 30 years. After summarize the former’s perspective on shoplifting in different society, the readers can have a general ideas in the history of shoplifting. For the research method, most of the information was collected from the following sources: Database, books from previous scholars and Macao government reports. Besides of it, the current situation of shoplifting in Macao is another important part that the author will go through in this paper. To prevent the occurrence of the retailer thief, there is a list of things that the society can do to lower the crime rate. For the perspective of the government, III they can do plenty of works in the community education and modified the law regulation in order to make it more efficient to control the increasing rate of shoplifting crime. On the other hand, the shop owners also have the responsibility to protect themselves from being shoplifted by improving their knowledge in anti-shoplifting. Although there are not many articles on this category in Macao, the author hope the contribution of this study can also be as a reference or some extra information when the government wants to make any policy to against shoplifting in the future of Macao.

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Ho, Sin Hang

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Sociology



Shoplifting -- Macau

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