UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
A gramatica portuguesa nos manuais para o publico-aprendente de lingua materna chinesa
- English Abstract
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The Chinese language, from the Sino-Tibetan language family, is a tonal language with an analytical morphology very different from the Portuguese, which is neo-Latin, inflected and from the Indo-European family. These are two extremely different languages not only in terms of morphology and syntax, but also in the number of its speakers. Chinese native Learners generally consider learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) very difficult. In their view, the complex grammar is the main cause. So it is not surprising that this public-learner shows a great connection and interest in grammar explanations either provided by the teacher or in textbooks; in many cases the consultation of grammars and textbooks are the privileged forms of PEL learning. In the area of teaching and learning foreign languages, the role of grammar has been a widely discussed issue; for some people, grammar should be essentially implicit, for others, it is only acquired if it can be demonstrated explicitly. This is the reason why the grammatical systematization that occurs in PFL’s textbooks becomes a fundamental support of the Portuguese teaching and learning for Chinese native speakers, which also plays a vital role as a pedagogical grammar for PFL teachers. This dissertation addresses the issue described above via a brief analysis on learning grammar in ten textbooks: four textbooks, the ones most frequently used by the public-learner (two bilingual Portuguese-Chinese and two in Portuguese only, the textbooks are targeted used in the context of Macau and mainland China) were analyzed. The data on the issue of grammar for Chinese native speakers was gathered from responses to surveys with questions focusing on the role of textbooks and grammatical description in the textbooks. The textbooks are analyzed in grammatical terms, with reference to two aspects that show the difficulties faced by the public speaker, bending and flexion of verbs, nouns and adjectives. It is shown in this paper that a good explanation and systematization of grammar is an essential element in textbooks, and this factor often determines its usefulness and the attitude of students and teachers regarding the quality of the textbooks. Today, the ultimate goal in learning a foreign language is communication (written and oral) in accordance with the public necessities and not just the domain of grammatical rules. Thus, a co-existence of a normative and a communicative grammar in textbooks will be necessary and useful for Chinese learners; additionally, explicit normative grammar and comparative rules between the Portuguese and the Chinese in textbooks will benefit the public-learner, especially in the early periods of learning PFL.
- Chinese Abstract
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汉语与葡萄牙语是两种极不相同的语言。汉语属汉藏语系,而葡萄牙语则属印 欧语系。两种语言的不同之处不单体现在词法句法规则的区别上,在其使用者数 目的差异上也可略见一斑。对于很多以汉语为母语的学生来说,将葡萄牙语作为 外语来学习是一个艰难的过程,这是因为葡萄牙语语法十分复杂。诸多研究表明, 这些学生对教材中以及课堂中老师传授的语法知识表现出极大的兴趣和喜好,系 统详细的语法解释带给他们清晰明了的学习指导。在葡萄牙语作为外语学习过程 中,使用教材及语法书也是这些学生十分常用的两种方式。 在外语教学领域,语法教学的角色一直备受争议。对于有些学者来说,语法应 该是含蓄的;而对于另一些研究者来说,只有详尽、清晰的语法知识才有益于外 语教学。教材作为外语学习的重要使用工具之一,其中的语法系统在这些学生的 葡萄牙语学习过程中至关重要,同时也对教师在进行葡萄牙语作为外语的教学实 践十分关键。 此研究分别以位于中国大陆和中国澳门两所高等院校的葡萄牙语专业学生作 为调查对象,应用实证研究的方式,就其对一本好教材应具备特点的看法,以及 教材中语法内容重要性等内容进行了问卷调查。研究以该学习群体使用频率的高 低为标准,选取了四本使用频率最高的教材(两本中葡双语教材,两本葡语教材) 进行语法内容方面的系统分析。实证研究表明,详尽且系统的语法板块对一本教 材来说至关重要。且对于教材使用者来说,其对一本教材的评价很大程度上取决 于其语法内容的安排是否具有条理性。 现如今,外语学习的最终目标已经由单纯掌握语法知识逐渐转变为培养使用外 语进行口头或是书面上交流的交际能力。考虑到以母语为汉语的中国学生学习习 惯与自身特色,教材中的语法可采取传统与交际并存的呈现方式。除此之外,在 葡萄牙语作为外语学习的初级阶段,教材中的语法若能做到详尽清晰,中葡文对 比解释说明,将会使这一学习群体受益匪浅。
- Issue date
- Author
Sun, Ye.
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Portuguese
- Degree
- Subject
Portuguese language -- Grammar
Portuguese language -- Study and teaching -- Chinese speakers
- Supervisor
Grosso, Maria José
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000632279706306