
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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論對澳門行政法規制定的監察 = To discuss the supervision of formulating administrative regulation in Macao

English Abstract

Under the existing legal regime of Macao, does not exist the clearly range of contents of administrative regulation of Macao SAR, only consider the comments of Executive Council to Formulating of administrative regulation, the administrative regulation does not have acceptability, does not exist conditions for the pre-review of administrative regulation of Macao SAR. Because of Macao SAR Basic Law does not specify the range of the contents of administrative regulation, in order to avoid unlimited expansion of the range of the contents, to know the range of the contents by the research methods theoretical, of literature and interpretation of legal system, and by the nature of administrative regulation, the functions of Chief Executive, the origin of administrative regulations and the matters reserved of legislation of Macao SAR. Before the formulating of administrative regulations, must consult the opinion of Executive Council, but the Executive Council is developed only by a few persons, their opinions are obviously not enough, the administrative regulation is non-acceptability, in this paper, by the research methods of literature and experience of past legislative, proposal to adopt the public opinion, public comment for the draft procedural, which can improve the acceptability of content of administrative regulations. The above two advisory activities are required to spend a lot of public efforts, in this paper, by the research methods of literature, when the two advisory activities are needed, the department should be responsible to make the analysis of cost-benefit of legislation, in order to elect a more reasonable budget program of legislation, and assess whether the balance of costs and benefits. The contents of administrative regulations may violate the law or the Basic Law, the formulating of administrative regulations appear substantive flaws, but the Macao SAR Basic Law does not expressly provide the administrative regulations must be submitted to the NPC Standing Committee for the record, even if the administrative regulations violate the Basic Law, or the contents of administrative regulations are related with the matters of management of Central People’s Government, or with the relations between Central People’s Government and Macao SAR, the NPC Standing Committee cant review the contents of administrative regulations in the abstract level, in this paper, by the research methods of literature, by way of the judicial review and the review of Standing Committee of the National People's Congres to address the issue.

Chinese Abstract

根據現行的澳門法律制度,澳門特區行政法規的內容範圍存不存明確規定、只向行政 會進行咨詢的行政法規欠缺認受性及不存條件對澳門特區行政法規進行預先審查。由於澳 門特區基本法沒有規定行政法規的內容範圍,為避免無限擴大行政法規的內容範圍,本論 文採用了學理、文獻及法律體系解釋的研究方法及從行政法規的性質、行政長官的職能、 行政法規的淵源及澳門特區的立法保留事項去討論此問題。雖然行政長官制定行政法規 前,須徵詢行政會的意見,但該行政會只由少數人組成,只徵詢行政會的意見而制定之行 政法規是明顯不夠廣泛性,會出現行政法規不具認受性的問題,本論文採用了文獻及過往 立法經驗等研究方法建議在行政法規制定程序中應增設讓公眾提供意見、讓公眾評議草案 之程序步驟,這樣可提高行政法規內容的認受程序。進行上述兩個咨詢活動均需要動用大 量公努,本論文採用了文獻的研究方法建議有需要進行上述兩個咨詢活動時,負責草擬的 部門須進行立法成本效益分析,以選出較合理的立法預算方案,及評估制定費用與效益是 否平衡。行政法規的內容有可能違反法律或基本法的規定,此時行政法規的制定出現實質 瑕疵,但澳門特區基本法沒有明文規定行政法規須報全國人大常務委員會進行備案,即使 行政法規違反基本法,或行政法規的內容涉及關於中央管理的事務及中央與澳門特區關係 時,全國人大常務委員會亦無法在抽象層面審查該行政法規,本論文採用了文獻的研究方 法指出透過司法審查及全國人民代表大會常務委員會的審查以解決上述問題。 關鍵字:行政法規的內容範圍,認受性,預先審查

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Faculty of Law




Administrative law -- Macau

行政法 -- 澳門

Legislation -- Macau

立法 -- 澳門



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