
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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我國大陸職務犯罪的自然人主體研究 = On the subject of the duty crime of nature person

English Abstract

Duty crime is a kind of crime, which is a serious threat to stability of state, society and economic development. The subject is the key element of duty crime. According to criminal law of mainland of PRC, the subject of duty crime includes natural person and juristic person. And natural person mainly includes state functionary and personnel in name of state functionary. There are a lot of rules about how to identify the subject of natural person of duty crime in criminal law of mainland of PRC and related Legislative interpretation and Judicial interpretation, but these rules have some problems ,which make the identity controversial. The author, as a prosecutor of mainland of PRC, considers that the identity of the subject of natural person of duty crime becomes a obstacle to the investigation of duty crime. This thesis studies on the concept, feature, sphere of state functionary and personnel in name of state functionary, which are disputed in judicial practice, from the position of prosecutor. This thesis also put forward some opinions and suggestions on defects and deficiencies of rules of natural person of duty crime in mainland of PRC. This thesis has four chapters, namely introduction of subject of duty crime, introduction of state functionary, the identity of state functionary, current legislation and problems of subject of natural person of duty crime and improvement suggestions. Chapter one makes an introduction of basic theory of duty crime and subject of natural person of duty crime. Also it analyses some concepts about duty crime and classifies the subject scientifically. Chapter two argues the basic theory of state functionary and analyses the concept, feature and classification of state functionary in mainland of PRC. This chapter especially studies on the concept of performing public service and put forward a new theory about state functionary. Chapter three defines the sphere of state functionary and put forward the author’s argument about the concept of state organs. This chapter especially defines the state functionary from the feature of performing public service and put forward the opinion of the sphere of other persons who perform public service according to law. Chapter four analyses the history and current legislation of the subject of natural person of duty crime in mainland of PRC. It points out that there are some problems and also it put forward some improvement suggestions from the experiences of other countries and regions.

Chinese Abstract

職務犯罪是一種嚴重威脅國家和社會穩定、經濟發展的犯罪類型,職務犯罪 的主體是構成職務犯罪的核心要件。根據我國現行刑事法律規定,職務犯罪的主 體包括自然人職務犯罪主體和單位職務犯罪主體,其中,自然人職務犯罪主體主 要包括國家工作人員、以國家工作人員論的人員這兩大類。雖然我國刑法和相關 立法解釋、司法解釋對自然人職務犯罪主體的認定做了相當數量的規定,但這些 規定自身存在一些不明確、不合理、不全面等方面的問題,導致自然人職務犯罪 主體認定在我國刑法理論界和實務屆往往存在比較大的爭議。作者身為我國大陸 檢察機關從事偵查業務的工作人員,在實際辦案過程中,深感自然人職務犯罪主 體的認定問題已經成為嚴重制約檢察機關職務犯罪偵查工作順利開展的桎梏之 一。本文試從一名檢察工作者的立場出發,從分析職務犯罪的一些基礎性理論概 念入手,對司法實踐中爭議比較大的國家工作人員、以國家工作人員論的人員概 念、特徵、範圍等問題進行探討和研究,對我國現行刑事立法中關於自然人職務 犯罪主體規定的缺陷和不足提供自己的建議和意見。 本文由四章組成,職務犯罪主體概述、國家工作人員概述、國家工作人員的 界定、我國大陸職務犯罪自然人主體的立法現狀、困境及其完善建議。第一章對 職務犯罪和職務犯罪自然人主體的一般性理論進行了論述,分析了職務的概念、 職務與公務、勞務等概念的區別,對職務犯罪自然人主體的特徵進行梳理,並對 職務犯罪的主體進行科學的分類。 第二章對國家工作人員這一概念的基本理論進行了論證,分析了我國刑法中 國家工作人員概念、特徵和分類,該章重點在於對國家工作人員概念中“從事公 務”的概念、特徵進行探討,提出作者關於國家工作人員特徵的“新公務說”, 並對這一論點進行了詳細的闡述。 第三章的主要內容是對國家工作人員的範圍進行界定,對國家機關工作人員 中國家機關的概念提出了自己的觀點,這一章的重點在於,從“從事公務”這一 核心特徵入手,對準國家工作人員進行界定,特別針對法律規定的“其他依照法 律從事公務的人員”的範圍提出了自己的意見和見解。 第四章從分析我國大陸關於職務犯罪自然人主體立法的歷史沿革和現狀入 手,指出了現行刑事立法在這一制度上存在的問題,同時以我國台灣地區、港澳 地區和相關國家的刑事法律為參考,提出了自己作者自己相關完善建議和立法參 考。

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Faculty of Law




Misconduct in office -- China

公務員犯罪 -- 中國

China -- Officials and employees -- Discipline

中國 -- 政府人員 -- 紀律



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