
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門刑事和解制度之構建研究 = A research of criminal reconciliation system in Macau

English Abstract

Criminal Reconciliation is a settlement between offenders and victims to reach an agreement in order to resolve their conflicts in a voluntary and peaceful environment. In the process of reconciliation, offenders and victims both sides can listen to each other’s opinions and communicate, they can measure their own conditions and benefits, to work out a mutually acceptable agreement in order to achieve a positive effect for the victim, the offender and the society. Therefore, in many countries, criminal reconciliation is being introduced and concerned in recent year. Through the discussion of criminal reconciliation system, by analyzing its theory and value, I hope to study whether the current legal system and the Criminal Procedure' s policies or principles of Macau, exist any conflict with the Criminal Reconciliation , and to discuss whether there is a need for the introduction of it . This article consists an introduction, main body and conclusion. The text is divided into three chapters, the first chapter is about the criminal reconciliation defining, which includes the definition of the criminal reconciliation, start with an simple analyzation and description of the meaning of criminal reconciliation and pass to an deepen understanding of criminal reconciliation. Making a comparative analysis of plea bargaining and mediation system, which clear up the differences between these two systems, then reviewed the relative criminal reconciliation plea or mediation system which will be more suitable to be introduced to Macao as well as the application of criminal conciliation. Chapter II discusses the theoretical basis of the criminal settlement, summarizes the main theories of criminal reconciliation, and analysis the criminal reconciliation with the relationship between the principles of criminal law, and to comment the criminal settlement with some of the basic principles of criminal law , as well as from the point of view from the victims, perpetrators and public interest to analysis the criminal reconciliation, in order to provide a base of theory for the establish of criminal reconciliation at Macau. Chapter III is to explore the establish of criminal reconciliation in Macao's penal system, on one hand, from the point of view of substantive law to discuss confession 5 and criminal reconciliation have similarities; on the other hand, from the point of view of procedural law to discuss both confession and criminal reconciliation consist the idea of the offender admit his fault; meanwhile, the temporary suspense of procedure and archive with waived penalty is usual ways of closing cases, this reflex there are lots of similarity between Macao’s penal system and criminal reconciliation. Furthermore, from the cultural point of view, no matter China’s “harmonius” or Western’s forgive and fraternity, they all suggest peaceful and tolerance methods to resolve arguments, from the level of policy, government suggest the policy of constructing a harmonius society, therefore no matter from the culture or policy or legal angle, they all provide a good background for setting up criminal reconciliation system. However, although current law of Macau and criminal reconciliation have similar ideas, the unique benefit of criminal reconciliation especially for the victims ' interests protection, cannot be replaced by other systems, that’s why should be absorbed and applied. Therefore, based on the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of introducing criminal reconciliation, I suggest the establish of criminal conciliation system in Macao in order to fill the deficiencies of the current legal system.

Chinese Abstract

刑事和解指在刑事訴訟過程中在加害方與被害方都自願與和平的環境下以 協商的形式達成和解協議,解決雙方衝突的制度,和解過程中雙方在和諧的平 台下相互發表意見,進行交流,在衡量自身的狀態及利益的情況下,訂出雙方 接受的協議,從而實現對被害人、加害人及社會的正面作用。因此,近年刑事 和解受到很多國家的關注及引入。筆者希望透過對刑事和解制度的探討,分析 刑事和解制度的理論及其存在的價值,並對澳門現行的制度進行分析,研究刑 事和解與澳門現時採用的刑訴政策或原則有否衝突,從而討論刑事和解能否融 入澳門刑事制度及有否引入的必要性。 本文共分引言、正文、結語三個部分。正文分三章,第一章講述刑事和解 的界定。包括對刑事和解的界定作了簡單的分析及表述了刑事和解的基本涵 意;同時為加深刑事和解的了解,對刑事和解與辯訴交易及調解制度作出比較 分析,從而清晰刑事和解與這兩種制度的一些相近及不同之處,繼而評述了刑 事和解相對辯訴交易或調解制度較適合引入澳門適用的原因,以及介紹了刑事 和解的適用情況。 第二章則討論了刑事和解的理論基礎,歸納了刑事和解的主要理論,並對 刑事和解與刑法原則的關係進行分析,對刑事和解與刑法一些基本原則相違的 說法作出評論,從而論證了刑事和解符合刑法基本原則;以及從被害人、加害 人及公共利益的角度去分析了刑事和解的作用,為澳門構建刑事和解奠定理論 基礎。 第三章澳門刑事制度構建刑事和解的思考,一方面,從實體法的角度論述 了現行刑事法規與刑事和解存在相近的地方;另一方面,從程序法的角度論述 了自認與刑事和解均存在加害人承認過錯的理念;同時,訴訟程序的暫時中止 及免除刑罰情況的歸檔更是刑事和解常採用的結案方式,從而反映出澳門刑事 制度與刑事和解存有不少理念相近的規範。還有,分別從文化的層面上論述了 不論中國的“和”文化,還是西方的寛恕、博愛觀念都推崇以平和及寛容的態 度去解決糾紛,在政策層面上政府提倡構建和諧社會的施政方針,以及在法律 層面上澳門一向是重教育的輕刑化地區,其奉行的刑罰謙抑性原則更與刑事和 解有很相融之處,所以,不論在文化、政策還是法律層面上都對構建刑事和解 提供了良好的基礎。同時,論述了雖然澳門現行法規與刑事和解的理念有相近 之處,但是,刑事和解的獨特好處,尤其對被害人利益的保障及對被破壞關係 的修復作用仍是其他制度未能取代,而且應該被吸收適用。因此,在分析引入 刑事和解的必要性及可行性的基礎上,提出構建澳門刑事和解制度的建議及構 想,以補充現行法律制度的不足。

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Faculty of Law




Plea bargaining -- Macau

抗辯談判 -- 澳門

Pleas (Criminal procedure) -- Macau

抗辯 (刑事訴訟法) -- 澳門



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