
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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The study of relationship between job stress and turnover intention, with the effect of work-life balance, job security and adversity quotient in the public organizations of Macau

English Abstract

This paper aims to obtain a better understanding of the relationship between Job Stress and Turnover Intention, with the effect of Work-life Balance, Job Security and Adversity Quotient (AQ). To cope with the rapid changing environment, employees are experiencing a higher degree of job stress. Job stress closely relates to turnover intention. The increase of job pressure increases employees’ turnover intention, as such, it leads to increased turnover rate. This study investigates if work-life balance, job security and AQ level alleviate job stress and turnover intention. The target group is employees from Macau public organizations. With convenient sampling and around 5 months for data collection, about 600 questionnaires were sent out and 227 were returned. The response rate is 30%. Statistical measures such as Regression, Correlation, Independent Sample T-test and ANOVA to test if there is any relationship and influence between variables. The findings show that Job Stress has a positive effect on Turnover Intention and a negative effect on Adversity Quotient. Work-life Balance and Job Security have moderating effect on Job Stress and Turnover Intention. Adversity Quotient has a negative effect on Turnover Intention but no mediating effect on Job Stress and Turnover Intention. In addition, the personal attributes are studied against Adversity Quotient to see if there is any significant relationship. The findings may provide an impact on individuals to understand AQ more and find ways to alleviate work stress or increase stress tolerance. It also impacts public organizations, giving them a chance to realize or reflect if their employees are having difficulties and suggesting ways for AQ improvement or improving company’s policies to ensure work-life balance. It also provides guidance for future research that focus on employees AQ in Macau.

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Chan, Weng I


Faculty of Business Administration


Department of Management and Marketing




Job stress

Labor turnover -- Macau


Liu, Ting Chi

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