
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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網絡共同犯罪研究 = Research on the joint crime on network

English Abstract

Joint Crime on Network (in the narrow sense) means a joint intentional criminal behavior which conducted by several persons, against to the computer systems, networks and computer data. Due to the network characteristics of the Joint Crime on Network, there is a big difference on the classification and handling between the Joint Crime on Network and the traditional joint crime, particularly in the subjective aspect of the co-perpetrators of network and the objective aspect of the criminal behavior. On the subjective aspect, the mens rea connection between the perpetrators often accomplished through the cyberspace, lead to its mens rea connection has some characteristics, such as concealment, vagueness, uncertainty and so on. On the objective aspect, it must be carried out through the network, thus, it has technical and conceal characteristics. Simultaneously, according to the above characteristics, the principals, accomplices of the Joint Crime on Network, the cybercrime committed by legal person and the network joint crime committed by a crowd, comparing to the traditional joint crime, performing much more complex. Hence, the Joint Crime on Network becomes an important problem which the criminal theories must concern. Therefore, this article focuses on analyzing the identification, conditions of Joint Crime on Network, meanwhile, on the basis of the relevant theories, criminal provisions and practices refer to other countries and regions, summarizing the classification of Joint Crime on Network and the difference between the Joint Crime on Network and the cybercrime committed by legal person, and then, based on the above solution, analyzing and proposing the improvement of the network joint crime committed by a crowd. Specifically, this article is divided into the following four chapters: Chapter 1, the Concept of the Joint Crime on Network. Through analyzing the concept of the cybercrime, the joint crime, and their founded conditions, carries out the concept, the characteristics and the reasons of formation of the Joint Crime on Network, and then, summarizing the difference between the Joint Crime on Network and the traditional joint crime, in order to providing a theoretical basis for the classification of the Joint Crime on Network. Chapter 2, the Classification of the Joint Crime on Network. This chapter includes the classification of the intention, the behavior and the actors of the Joint Crime on Network, with the purpose of clarifying and determining the founded conditions of the crime. Chapter 3, the Joint Crime on Network and the cybercrime crime committed by legal person. By distinguishing between the Joint Crime on Network and the cybercrime committed by legal person, to further clarify the meaning of the Joint Crime on Network and its recognized standards. Chapter 4, the Network Joint Crime committed by a Crowd. Gathering on Network is the most typical features in the Joint Crime on Network, hence, by analyzing this type of crime, discussing the concept, the characteristics and the current situation and limitation of the relevant provisions of the crime, to summarize the focusing points of the classification and the formulation of the relevant provisions of the crime.

Chinese Abstract

網絡共同犯罪(狹義),是指數個行為人共同通過網絡而實施的針對電腦網 絡系統及數據資料的共同故意犯罪行為。鑒於網絡共同犯罪具有網絡化特徵, 致使其在認定和處理上都與傳統共同犯罪有著較大的差別,尤其是在犯罪行為 人的主觀及犯罪行為的客觀方面。在主觀方面,行為人之間的犯意聯絡往往是 通過網絡空間形成,具有隱蔽性、模糊性及不確定性等特點;在客觀方面,犯 罪行為必須利用網絡空間實施,具有技術性、隱蔽性等特點。同時,基於主客 觀方面的特點,致使網絡共同犯罪行為人中的正犯與從犯、法人網絡犯罪及聚 眾型網絡犯罪也相對於傳統共同犯罪表現出更為複雜之情況,成為刑法理論界 必須予以關注的重要課題。 基於此,本文重點圍繞網絡共同犯罪的定義、成立條件等進行分析,並在 參考相關理論和學說及其他國家和地區的相關刑法規定和做法的基礎上,總結 網絡共同犯罪之認定,以及網絡共同犯罪與法人網絡犯罪之區別,並進而評析 聚眾型網絡犯罪的問題及提出相關完善建議。 具體來說,本文主要分為以下四章: 第一章“網絡共同犯罪概述”。透過對網絡犯罪及共同犯罪的闡述及構成 要件的分析,帶出網絡共同犯罪的概念、特點和成因,以及總結網絡共同犯罪 和傳統共同犯罪的不同之處,從而為網絡共同犯罪之認定提供理論基礎。 第二章“網絡共同犯罪之認定”。包括網絡共同犯罪的主觀意圖、行為及 主體之認定,以冀釐清及確定網絡共同犯罪的成立要件。 第三章“網絡共同犯罪與法人網絡犯罪”。通過闡釋網絡共同犯罪和法人 網絡犯罪的區別,進一步分清網絡共同犯罪的含義及完善其認定的標準。 第四章“聚眾型網絡犯罪”。網絡聚眾性是網絡共同犯罪中最典型的特 點,通過對這種犯罪類型進行獨立分析、闡述其概念和特徵,以及相關立法的 現狀及局限性,總結聚眾型網絡犯罪在認定和制定相關法律規範方面應當注意 的問題。

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Faculty of Law





共犯; 教唆犯

Computer crimes




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