
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門法定繼承順位制度研究 = A study on the sequence of legal heirs in Macao

English Abstract

Macao has to face a problem—— localization of laws, since the year of 1998 , coming back to China . Therefore, in succession law, the only area that needs to solve this problem is the sequence of legal heirs. But the existing researches did not dig deeply on this. So, the author will study further. The research includes three parts, introduction, main text and conclusion. And the main text consists of six chapters. In the first c hapter, there are three points. The first is the introduction of the sequence of legal heirs in Macao, the second is talking about the related concepts involved, and the third is the introduction of the distribution of heritage in Macao. The second chapter mainly talks about the theory of Statutory Succession, including three mainstream theories in the world. Among them, the theo ry of will autonomy plays the most important role in Macao’s Statutory Succession. The third chapter is a social investigation of the sequence of legal heirs in Macao and the social expectation. The investigation includes two stages, at first, in order to find the problem, the author interviewed three local people in Macao. From this interview, the author found the problems mainly focus on the siblings and grandparents, who have the privileges, and the statutory share of estate between spouse and consanguin ity. According this, the author launched an investigation, and discovered that the e sequence of legal heirs in Macao do not match the expectation of the people in Macao. In t he fourth chapter the author explor ed the reason why the phenomenon in the third chapter appears. The author found two reasons. One is Portuguese Government practiced a policy of divide and rule in civil field. This policy cause that Macao is still a traditional society. The other one is the different between Chinese and western ideas. In order to solve the problems, in the fifth chapter, the author make a comparison between Taiwan and M acao. And explained why choose Taiwan as a reference, and found the difference between Taiwan and Macao. In the last chapter, the author make a suggestion about the sequence of legal heirs in Macao .

Chinese Abstract

1998 年澳門迴歸中國,除了政治上的變動,澳門的法律也面臨著本地化 的問題。而在繼承制度領域,面臨此問題的就應屬法定繼承順位制度。但是, 從目前的研究來看,現有的研究對澳門法定繼承順位制度的挖掘還不夠深入。 故,筆者將對此展開深入研究。本文總共分為導論、正文、結語三個部分, 其中正文又分六部份予以論述。 在正文第一部份,筆者從三個方面對澳門法定繼承順位制度進行了介紹, 第一方面,介紹了澳門現行的法定繼承順序。第二方面介紹澳門法定繼承順 位制度中所涉及的概念,第三方面介紹澳門的法定的遺產分配方式。 第二部份,是筆者對法定繼承法理的初探。上文已經介紹了澳門是如何 規定的,那麼這一部份主要解決的問題就是澳門這樣 的根據是什麼?在這一 部份中,筆者主要分為兩個方面,首先是按照理論誕生的次序,分別介紹了 家族協同說、意思說和社會利益說三個主流學說以及兩個非主流學說。其次 是論證了立法者在制定澳門法定繼承順位制度時主要運用的時意思說 。 第三部份,為筆者關於澳門法定繼承順位制度與社會期待的調查,該調 查分為兩個階段,第一階段為前期準備階段,主要是對三名澳門居民做得採 訪式調查,通過是次採訪,將問題聚焦在兄弟姐妹與祖父母的繼承順位的先 後以及無子嗣配偶與血親的遺產分配份額上面。於是,進入第二階段,即調 查階段。通過是次調查,發現澳門法定繼承順位制度與社會人群的心理預期 確有不符。 第四部份,筆者對第三部份中所產生的問題做了原因分析。分析出兩個 原因,第一個原因為政治原因,即澳門雖在過去很長一段時間內收到葡萄牙 的管治,但是由於葡國政府在民事法律制度領域一直採取的都是葡籍人士和 澳門華人分而治之的政策,所以導致澳門事實上仍是一個傳統的社會。另一 個原因即為中西觀念差異,經筆者研究,由於中西家庭觀以及消費觀的不同, 導致了澳門無子嗣配偶與血親的遺產分配份額與兄弟姐妹與祖父母的繼承 順位的先後,這兩個制度與社會人群心理預期不符。 第五部份,為了進一步提出更加符合澳門社會人群心理預期的法定繼承 順位制度,筆者選擇台灣地區作為參照。在此部份,筆者先闡述了 選擇台 灣的原因,後將台灣制度與澳門制度做了比較,得出兩者的區別。後進入最 後一部份。 第六部份,在這一部份中,筆者對澳門的法定繼承順位制度做出了建議, 一是提高了兄弟姐妹的法定繼承順位,降低了祖父母的法定繼承順位,二是提高了父 母、兄弟姐妹等血親在法定繼承順位當中的位置及份額。

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Faculty of Law




Inheritance and succession -- Macau

繼承; 繼承法規 -- 澳門



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