
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The objective of this research is to study the current status regarding the learning motivation and satisfaction of the golf major students in Hainan province, and to analyze whether significant differences are present between different individuals and identify the statistical relationship between the two factors. The research was conducted using questionnaire survey, with the survey subjects being the students currently enrolled in golf major in eight different schools in Hainan Province. A total of 600 surveys were distributed, and 565 were valid out of the 592 responses. The percentage of valid responses is around 94.2%. The learning motivations and satisfaction degrees of the students are first analyzed, and their individual discrepancies are examined according to different personal background. The statistical correlation between the students’ learning motivation and their satisfaction is then established. The data analysis of the study is based on statistic methods including descriptive statistics,independent t test,single-factor variation analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation,etc. Following data processing and analysis, the research outcome regarding the learning motivations and satisfaction degrees together with their relationship, is summarized as follows: 1. The overall learning motivation of the students is at a moderate level, with the specific factors “Future career success”/ “Work value" scoring the highest/lowest, respectively. 2. The overall learning satisfaction degree of the students is also at a moderate level, with the specific factors “Future career success”/ “Work value” scoring the highest/lowest, respectively. 3. The learning motivations across individuals differ significantly due to the genders, different school types, and different year of study. 4. The leaning satisfaction rates across individuals also differ significantly due to the genders, different school types, and different year of study 5. The students’ learning motivations are positively correlated with their learning satisfaction degrees. Based on the research outcome,suggestions regarding the institutions with established golf majors, golf educators as well as future research are proposed. suggestions for the institutions with established golf majors and golf major teachers: 1. strongly standardize cultivation of golf major, change old methods and concept,lay emphasis on overall cultivation,physical psychological and practical cultivation; set up educational objectives and curriculum reasonably based on market demand, construct major curriculum system and optimize the teaching content with cultivating demand driven, high quality and practical qualified talents as core. 2. Institutions with established golf major should encourage and organize teachers to investigate and study in golf enterprises, take part in golf coaches and judges training program and training held by oversea training institutions in order to know in time market demand for golf major talents and enrich their experience. Besides, institutions with established golf major should strengthen exchange and learning to use for reference their teaching experience and concept. 3.institutions should strengthen research on golf theory, compile teaching material that meets golf industry demand and is suitable for students of the institution, and make diversified teaching material meeting needs of students 4. Improve hardware condition of golf talents cultivating, further strengthen golf infrastructure construction(golf courses , golf driving ranges) , purchase high-tech assist motion training equipment and motion analysis system software to perfect teaching facilities. Suggestions for future research: 1. object of study : in the future golf teachers may be added into object of study to know golf major development situation from an angle different from students; and students have graduated may also be added into object of study in order to know golf major study for further study and place of duty. 2. research background variables: institution location and institution name may be added into as research background variables to further discuss the differences of the learning motivation and satisfaction of the golf major students in Hainan province. 3. research method: research period may be extended in the future, and distribute questionnaires to all institutions of golf major,in-depth interview may also be used to make the research more targeted, effective and practical. Key words: Hainan Province, Golf Major, Learning Motivation,Learning Satisfactory

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討海南省高爾夫專業學生之學習動機與學習滿意度現況,並分析不同背景變項之海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機與學習滿意度是否存在顯著差異以及分析海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機與學習滿意度之相關性。 研究中採用問卷調查法,主要針對海南省八所開設高爾夫專業院校在校學生,共計發放問卷 600 份,回收問卷 592 份,經剔除無效問卷後,得有效問卷565份,有效問卷回收率94.2%。研究先分析海南省高爾夫專樂學生之學習動機與學習滿意度現況,並考驗不同背景變項之海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機與學習滿意度是否存在顯著差異,而後進一步分析海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機與學習滿意度的相關性。資料分析採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢驗、單因數變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法,經資料處理與分析討論,得出研究結果如下: 一、海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機之整體得分屬「中上」程度,各層面得分以「期望成功」最高(M=4.07),而「工作價值」最低(M=3.84); 二、海南省高爾夫專業學生學習滿意度之整體得分介於「中」與「中上」之間,各層面得分以「同學關係」最高(M=3.92),而「場地器材」最低(M=3.37); 三、海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機因性別(t=3.179,p<.01)、學校屬性(t=2.040,p<.05)以及就讀年級(F=14.221,p<.001)等背景變項不同而有顯著差異; 四、海南省高爾夫專業學生學習滿意度因性別(t=5.105,p<.001)、年齡(F=5.084,p<.01)、教育程度(F=3.076,p<.05)以及就讀年級(F=39.999,p<.001)等背景變項不同而有顯著差異; 五、海南省高爾夫專業學生學習動機與學習滿意度達顯著正相關(r=0.698,p<.001)。 根據上述之研究結果,提出本研究對開設高爾夫專業的院校、高爾夫專業教師工作者以及未來研究之建議: 一、對開設高爾夫專業之院校及高爾夫專業教師工作者的建議1、加強對高爾夫專業的培養規範化,改變原有的辦學觀念,注重學生的全方位培養,加強身心、實操能力的培養;根據市場需求與發展,合理的設置我國院校高爾夫專業的培養目標與相關課程,以培訓適應企業需求的高素質實用型人才為核心建設專業課程體系,優化教學內容。 2、學校應當鼓勵與組織教師到高爾夫相關企業考查與學習,參加相關教練及裁判的培訓或國外教育機構的培訓,以便能讓教師及時瞭解市場對高爾夫人才的需求,且豐富教師自身的從業經驗。此外,建議學校加強與國內外開設高爾夫專業院校之間的交流學習,借鑒其先進的辦學經驗和理念。 3、學校應進一步加強對高爾夫理論方面的研究,編寫能適應高爾夫行業人才需求以及與本校學生自我能力相匹配的專業課程教材,讓多元化教材滿足學生的需求。 4、改善高爾夫專業人才培養的硬件條件,進一步加強學校高爾夫基礎設施建設(如高爾夫球場或練習場等),購置高科技的動作輔助練習器械以及動作的軟體分析系統等,完善教學設施與場所。 二、對未來研究的建議 1、研究對象方面:未來可增加以「教師」為對象的研究,從不同於學生的角度來瞭解海南省高爾夫專業開展現況,亦可增加以「畢業生」為研究對象,瞭解專業教育對繼續升學或工作崗位的觀點與幫助。 2、研究背景變項方面:未來可加入學校所在地區、所屬學院等個人背景變項進一步探討海南省高爾夫專業學生的學習動機與學習滿意度差異情形。 3、研究方法方面:未來可以加長研究時間,針對所有開設高爾夫專業的院校進行問卷發放,以及利用深度訪談等質性方式進行研究,使研究更具有針對性、有效性與實用性。 關鍵字:海南省、高爾夫專業、學習動機、學習滿意度

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Faculty of Education




Golf -- Study and teaching

高爾夫球體育 -- 學習及教學



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