UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
澳門中學生網絡成癮, 學習適應及自我價值之相關研究
- English Abstract
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The purposes of the study were: First, to explore the situation of Internet using behaviors, situation of Internet addiction, learning adjustment and self-worth of the middle school students in Macao; Secondly, to discuss the differences in Internet addiction, learning adjustment and self-worth among relevant variables; Thirdly, to explore the relationships between Internet addiction, learning adjustment and self-worth. Subjects of 400 middle school students were evaluated by the instruments, including Internet Using Behaviors Survey, Chinese Internet Addiction Scale and its revision, Learning Adjustment Scale and Self-worth Scale. The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Chi-square Test, Pearson Product-moment Correlation. The main findings are as follows: 1. The middle school students in Macao mainly use their personal computers (54.2%) and their family computers(36.1%) to get online(2011). For the amount of time spending online, 38.4% of the middle school students spend 2 to 3 hours per day to access the internet while 26.6% of them spend 3 to 4 hours per day. The network usage behaviors of the middle school students in Macao are mainly in using the social network sites (67.6%), chatting online (60.7%), listening to music(45.40%), playing internet games (42.30%), watching movies (33.9%) and searching for information (32.9%), etc. 2. The middle school students in Macao have a mild tendency towards the Internet addiction. The prevalence of internet addiction of the middle school students in Macao is 21.68%, There are significant differences in addiction proneness between different genders, grades and time usage of the internet. There are significant differences in “Average daily time spent online" between the students of high-risk group and general students, while as for“genders”, “grades”, “online forms" and “types of school”are concerned, there are almost no differences. The middle school students in high-risk group for the Internet addiction are more often to use the Internet for“E-mail”, "browsing porn sites" and "online betting”. There are great differences in "E-mail", "browsing porn sites" and "online betting"between the students of high-risk group and general students. Between the students of high-risk group and general students, there are some differences in the Internet addiction and Learning adjustment, but no difference in Self-worth. Notable differences exist in Learning adjustment among different types of schools, and the public schools have got the lower marks. There are significant differences in Self-worth between different genders, and girls have a higher self-worth. 3. It is obvious that there is a negative correlation between Learning adjustment and the Internet addiction. The poorer the learning adjustment is, the more serious the Internet addiction is. While a noticeable positive correlation exists between Self-worth and the Internet addiction. The higher the self-worth is, the more serious the Internet addiction also becomes. Keywords: Middle school students,Internet using behaviors, Internet addiction,Learning adjustment, Self-worth.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究之主要目的在於探討當前澳門中學生之互聯網使用狀況、網絡成癮狀況、學習適應狀況及自我價值狀況;比較不同背景變項之中學生在網路成癮、學 習適應、自我價值之間的差異狀況;探討學習適應、自我價值與網路成癮之間的 關係。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以澳門地區392名中學生為研究對象,經施以自編的「網路使用狀況調查表」、「網路成癮量表」、「學習適應量表」、「自我價值量表」,並且以敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、皮爾森 積差相關進行資料分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 1.澳門中學生最主要的上網形式(2011),主要集中在使用個人電腦(54.2%)和家中的共用電腦(36.1%)。在上網時間方面,最多學生每天上網2至3小時(38.4%),其次是每天上網3至4小時(26.6%)。澳門中學生主要的網絡使用行為是使用社交網站(67.6%),其次是聊天(60.70%)、聽音樂(45.40%)、玩網絡遊戲(42.30%)、看電影(33.9%)、查找資料(32.9%)等。 2.澳門中學生網絡成癮傾向不高;澳門中學生網絡成癮率為21.68%。不同性別、年級、上網時間在網路成癮上有顯著差異。高危群學生與一般學生在「每天上網平均時間」上有顯著差異,而在「性別」、「年級」、「上網形式」和不同的「學校類別」上無差異。高危群的中學生較會發生「收發電子郵件」、「瀏覽色情網站」、「網上投注博彩」等網絡使用行為。高危群學生與一般學生在網路成癮、學習適應上有差異,而在自我價值上無差異。不同學校類別在學習適應上有顯著差異,呈公立學校得分較低;不同性別在自我價值上有顯著差異,呈女生自我價值較高。 3.學習適應與網路成癮呈顯著負相關,學習適應越差網絡成癮就越嚴重。自我價值與網路成癮呈顯著正相關,自我價值越高網絡成癮亦越嚴重。 關鍵詞: 中學生、網絡使用行為、網絡成癮、學習適應、自我價值
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Internet and teenagers -- Macau
互聯網與少年人 -- 澳門
Internet -- Psychological aspects
互聯網 -- 心理方面
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007432809706306