UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
澳門教師學習區角教學之行動研究 : 以培正中學幼稚園為例
- English Abstract
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Learning Center is a teaching mode which emphasizes on Child-centered, encourages child to explore and respects child’s individual differences. By using the action research method, this study focuses on one private kindergarten in Macau and records its transformation process from traditional unit-teaching to learning center. Results show that the major problems that the teachers faced during the first period include: 1. Too many students and lack of space. 2. Teachers are under great pressure. 3. Teachers lack of professional knowledge. The major problems in the second period include: 1. The Moving Paths are blocked. 2. Center time is cut by other others. 3. Answers and Instructions are posted improperly. 4. The difficulty of the teaching aid is hard to control, materials are placed unequally. 5. Links between Teaching themes and Center Activities are weak. 6. Teachers intervene too much. 7. Teachers don’t know how to design teaching activities. 8. Teachers don’t know how to observe children when they are in learning center. Researchers provide solutions accordingly to all the above problems. At the end, this study also concluded some successful experiences that the case gained during the transformation process, which will be useful to other schools in Macau.
- Chinese Abstract
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學習區角活動是一種強調以幼兒為中心、鼓勵幼兒主動探索、尊重幼兒個別 化差異的教育理念。本研究採用行動研究法,對澳門一所私立幼稚園由傳統單元 教學轉為學習區角教學的歷程進行為期約一年的跟蹤調查。 研究結果顯示,澳門教師在推動區角教學的前期階段面臨的主要困難包括: 1. 學生人數太多;2. 教師工作量增大;3. 教師專業知識欠缺。後期階段面臨的 主要困難包括:1. 空間規劃存在動線不流暢的問題;2. 專科課程切斷區角時間; 3. 教材教具相關展示圖擺放位置不當;4. 教具操作難易程度難以把控、材料分 佈不均;5. 教學主題與區角活動缺乏連結;6. 教師干預過多;7. 教師不知如何 設計區角活動;8. 教師不知如何進行觀察評量。 針對各階段的問題與困難,研究者逐一提出相應的解決方案,並總結幼稚園 教學型態轉型的成功經驗,為全面推動澳門地區幼稚園教學型態轉型提供有效參 考和可行建議。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Early childhood education -- Macau
幼兒教育 (嬰兒至初級小學) -- 澳門
Educational change -- Macau
教育改革 -- 澳門
Educational innovations -- Macau
教育革新 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007161459706306